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"I'm feeling good. The bruises are healing. It's just awkward to go out and see people staring. I mean, I know I'm good looking, but hey people, at least try to conceal your attraction." He chuckles and so do I.

Ryan is better indeed, but he's still hurt. His cuts are in a yellowish coloration, and his chin is blackish and a bit swollen. Besides that, he looks like the usual Ryan.

We are right now at a park that is near my house, and there are very few people around here. It's good to forget for a moment what made me so sad few hours ago. Ryan knows how to make me laugh and I wonder how could we possibly have come this far in our friendship, because I clearly remember how it all began. 

My grandparents know I'm here, but they don't know I'm with Ryan, of course. They would be quite angry if they did, but I hope someday they'll understand that he doesn't mean any harm to me. With the spoon Ryan brought me I eat some vanilla ice cream and watch the people that are passing by.

"You're so cocky, Ryan. But I'm happy you're getting better." I honestly confess and he smiles at me.

"So, are you going to tell me why you are so sad?" He asks after some minutes of silence. I am about to say I'm not sad when he interrupts. "Don't say you're not. It would be an insult to my intelligence - and believe me, I still have some left. C'mon, trust me. I won't say a word."

I chuckle a bit. Ryan grins at me, noticing that he's right and I'm down indeed. I inhale deeply and start playing with a lock of my hair, wrapping it around my finger. I try my best to not look at him while I talk and hold back my tears.

"Alright... You know I'm dating Jay, don't you?" I inquire. I hear that Ryan's breathed deeply by my side as soon as I ask.

"Yeah, I heard about it."

"Ok then. Today we were about to go out when I got a text from an unknown number. It was a picture of him and Lydia, the girl from the astronomy club and his ex-girlfriend, kissing. I don't know who sent it, but it really doesn't matter right now." I sigh and I realize tears are coming to my eyes, nevertheless I would die of embarrassment if I bursted into tears in front of Ryan. "That's basically it. I'm so offended. He was my bestfriend, not only my boyfriend... And he cheated on me."

We both stay silent for a moment, and even though I'm doing my best to control myself and not cry, I feel cold tears rolling down my face. I feel like I was backstabbed, and it hurts more than I thought it would.

"Hey..." Ryan whispers by my side. I don't turn my face to see him, but he slightly holds my chin and makes me stare at him. He beholds a look that I've never seen before. It's similar to the way he looks at Jo, like he cares, like he really feels my pain. I feel like I'm blushing. "Don't cry. You still need to talk to him, Ella. Maybe it's not what you thought."

"It's not about what I thought, Ryan, it's about what I've seen. I feel so bad that I don't know when I will be able to talk to him without thinking that he kissed Lydia while we were dating." 

I sob and Ryan puts a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

"Come here." He softly says and I hug him strongly.

Suddenly a memory comes to my mind. I remember the day of our tutoring when I had no ride home, and he offered me one. I recall that I wondered how would it be to hug him, and now I finally know. It feels like I'm safe, and for a moment I forget everything and just think about how good is to be there. The warmth of the embrace felt so comforting that my tears slowly ceases. At the same time, all my thoughts seem tied and my mind it's a chaos. Being there with Ryan makes me confused. I could never imagine he would be the one to comfort me. He's the badboy. He wasn't supposed to be so understanding. And why do I feel so safe? Why his scent makes me so dizzy? 

I don't know for how long I stayed there, but I finally get off his embrace and wipe my tears away.

"Ella, I feel like I should tell you something." Ryan whispered so low I could barely listen. I frown and stare at him. He looks like he is very nervous.

"What is it?" I ask, curious.

He was about to tell me when I hear steps near us. I turn my face to see who's it and I see Ange, standing near me. She doesn't look happy. In fact, she looks a mix of disappointed and upset.

"Ange, what are you doing here?" I ask, frowning. "I thought you were out with Jay and Evan."

"I'm not. Jay told me that you were mad at him and I was heading to your house to see if you were ok when I saw you and him." She points to Ryan and then gazes at me. "You canceled our meeting to be with Ryan, Ella? Are you together? Because when that was what it looked like when I saw both of you."

"No!" I exclaimed and widen my eyes. "It's not what you're thinking. Please, let's go home, I'll explain it to you."

"It's not necessary. I just want to ask you a question." I never saw Ange like this. She looks quite upset and inhales deeply. "Are you cheating on my brother, Ella?"

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