One word: what?!

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Haii. Jay on the media guys!


So yeah, I and Ryan had two more classes during the week and it is finally Saturday, the last tutoring until Monday. I got home from the last meeting of the week, and suddenly I'm living the most awkward moment of my whole existence. Even more awkward then the day Harrison Perry snooze a bee in the classroom. Okay, nothing is more awkward than that, but you got my point.

Well, I was entering my house right after my tutoring with Ryan, so hungry that I felt I could eat two cows. I left my keys in the balcony and greeted my grandparents, however instead of the usual 'hey darling', I heard another familiar voice.

"Hey, Jimmy Neutron" Jay greeted and I widened my eyes, turning my back fast to see if he was actually there. My heart almost breaks free from my chest and run in circles screaming 'abort mission!' . And yep, my imagination is really fertile.

And yes, there my bestfriend was. Sitting on my couch, with my family, eating my Oreo and playing with my teddy bear. Not mentioning that he was melting my heart too, with that beautiful smile that makes my whole world shakes. Jay was wearing a Gap gray hoodie with loose jeans and sneakers. His hair was perfectly messy and he was absently playing with Jay Junior, the teddy bear he gave me, while staring at me. Remember that I told you that I have a fertile imagination? Yeah, not so much when it comes to names.

"Ella, finally!" My grandpa gushed, getting up to give me a hug. "I was just asking your friend here to stay for dinner."

"Um..." I frowned, staring at my grandma, grandpa and Katie, that had that really creepy smile on their face. "What are you doing here, Jay?"

"I came to talk to you, but you were out, so I just stood here talking to your family. It had been a while since we didn't talk like that, right Joe?" Jay asked my grandpa and both of them laughed like it was the joke of the year. Oh-oh. Something told me that their talk evolved me bathing as a kid.

"Um... Right." I stutter. "So, Jay, let's go to the yard so you can tell me what you want."

He nods and we leave to my yard. I was used to Jay and Ange coming to my house, however the person who used to show at my house all of sudden was Angela, not him. Jay is a really organized person; he likes to plan things before doing them, and of course, tell the evolved people about it. If he was at my place without warning me, it was important. Many things crossed my mind: maybe he was going to finally tell me he loved me! Oh, I would pass out!

We seated at the grass, and if there was a perfect moment to declare feelings, it was that one. The stars shone gorgeously high at the sky, lightening his beautiful face. His nose was so defined, and his thick brows gave his look a glint of magic. I felt could stare at his profile for the rest of my life. Then he finally looked at me and, really, it even better (if possible!).

I smiled at him and waited for him to say something. Jay looked a bit nervous and breathed deeply.

"So, Ella, I have been thinking..." He finally said, looking deeply in too my eyes.

"Yes?" I replied. God, I was so anxious. My eyeballs were almost falling out with expectation.

"I know I don't usually tell you about my feelings, but..." OH GOD. IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING.

'I love you. Will you marry me?' I exaggeratedly thought at the same time that he said:

"I need your advice about Lydia." He blurted, and that's how I ended up here, in this pitiful situation.

Imagine a balloon. A  happy and full of hope beautiful  balloon. Now picture a mean child piercing it with a sharp needle and bum, that's me now. All the color was drained of my face.

"What?!" I exclaim a little bit too loud. "I mean, what? Don't you have guys friends for that? Or Ange?"

"Yes, I do, but... Well, I wanted a female opinion." Jay explains sincerely. He has that puppy look he always had when embarrassed, and I understand. He is not used to talk about feelings with anyone, and I should feel happy that he's doing that with me, however believe me: happy is the last thing I am. "And Ange would mock me 'til death if I talked to her about it."

I breathe deeply and try to hold some tears that start popping in my eyes. Thank God it is dark enough so he doesn't notice.

"Blurt it out, poop face." I simply answer with a smile as convincing as I can.

Well, long history cut short, Jay is really into Lydia. He told me that they have been going out lately and he thinks that they were meant to each other, nevertheless it is the first time he's really in love, so he doesn't have a clue of what to do. Jay wants to know if she feels the same about him, if he should take a next step in the relationship, if he should ask her to be his girlfriend...

This sincerely breaks my heart, but on the other side there is an honest joy that I feel. I mean, Lydia is gorgeous, nice, kind... What else could I want for my bestfriend? Jay deserves a great girl, and Lydia is his perfect match. Even though deep inside I want to lock her in a coffin and throw her in the middle of the Pacific, I admit.

"You should ask her to be your girlfriend." I finally reply him after Jay tells me the whole history. "I mean, I'm sure that she likes you."

"How do you know that?" He questions. I look away from the sky to face him, that is staring at me hopefully. I simply smile at Jay, knowing what to answer already.

"Because if she didn't, she would be out of her mind." I mutter under my breath, and he smiles, hugging me.

"You are the best friend ever." Jay attests kissing my cheeks. I try to convince myself that I will always be just the friend during all the dinner. Guess what? Didn't work.


The weeks go on and I may say, Ange is getting me crazy with the party that she's throwing. Everybody is talking about the game, the football team is training like freaks and Ryan is taking a lot of my time in our tutoring. The tests are going to be tomorrow, and the game will be the day after that day. That's just not fair! I'm going insane!

Oh, and besides, Jay really asked Lydia to be his girlfriend, and they are together now. Great, isn't it? They are always together now. I mean, really. She's even lunching with us! The funny thing is that Ange doesn't like her, because in her opinion I shall be the mother of his future kids and Lydia shouldn't get on my way.

"Well, at least I promise you that you will be his second wife." She concludes our talk about how I and Jay are not going to happen.

"Second?" I raise one eyebrow. "What about the first?"

"Nobody will ever find what happened to her" Ange smiles victorious and I laugh my lungs out.

Oh, and about Ryan. We are doing better than I thought we would. He is doing great in the essays and I'm hopeful that his grades will be just fine. Besides, I never thought I would actually say that, however he's beeing nice. We are even enjoying the tutoring. I need medicine.

So yeah, the test's day finally arrives and I'm just getting ready when Katie bursts in to my room like a hurricane. Her hair looks like she ran a marathon and her cheeks are rosy. I face her with a frown.

"What happened?" I inquire.

"The hottest guy in the world is on the living room." She exclaims, widening her eyes.

"Aaron Taylor- Johnson is here?" I gasp, letting my comb fall on the ground and facing her in amazement.

"No, you silly!" She retorts, rolling her eyes. "Ryan McCauley is here to take you to school!" 

Thinking twice, it's more possible that Aaron Taylor-Johnson is really in my living room waiting to purpose.

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