CHAPTER 1 : A Wolf? No Way.

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Aunt Mia pursed her lips and studied me for a moment, her book poised in front of her, it was completely blank which confused me.

"Will you be back before 6?" She asked me and I nodded, gripping the strap of my messenger bag.

"I will. I promise. "I said and glanced out the window above the kitchen sink which displayed the forest line view. I just wanted to go in there, I felt compelled really. I turned back to my young aunt and she sighed.

"Well, I guess, if you really can't concentrate in the house then, why not. "She stood and walked over to the sink and I grinned.

"Thanks, Mia," I said using her name like she'd asked me to when I first got here a week ago.

She was looking out the window when she addressed me again just as I held onto the handle of the door leading outside. " careful, alright? I don't need you all scratched up." she turned to me, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.

I chuckled, "I'll be safe." I opened the door and walked out and approached my soon to be safe haven.

I bent down at the waist while pushing away the low branch so I could pass through. I inhaled the fresh breeze and I felt at home, peaceful. I hopped over a fallen log and I found a spot with just the right amount of lighting and the right amount if space. On my left there was a boulder against a tree so I made myself comfortable, getting my equipment from my messenger bag after slinging it off of me.

I had my blank piece of paper and a pencil. The dream was still vivid in my mind. I could remember just about every detail and I wanted to get it down soon, before I forgot. So, I drew. The contrast of black and white made me grin and I stuck my tongue out as I began to bring my dream to life. I drew a man, his face was a picture of anger, the hard lines of his scowl and the winkles of his brows pulling close together. There had been fire around him in my dream so I drew it, swirling around his body, engulfing him in flames. I could still hear his scream.

I studied him, my pale brown eyes fixed on his glassy and angry gaze. He looked familiar. His hair was long, reaching his shoulder and he wore robes. I got out my coloured pencils and brought colour into my drawing. Then I froze as a twig snapped. I felt my heart beat erratically as my head slowly inched up to view the intruder but there was non. I shook my head as I looked around. It felt as though I was being watched.

There was another snap and I sat up.

"Anyone there? "I asked and silence answered, for a moment I sat there, watching the trees as they watched me, urging the stranger to show themselves, if there was anyone there to begin with. Then I heard it. The distinct sound off footsteps and a creature emerged the size of a young bear. I felt my breath leave me as the ability to breath abandoned me completely. I was both frightened and excited.

It couldn't be possible, my eyes had to be playing tricks on me, no way could this possibly be happening and yet I was staring at the very thing in front of me and believe me, it looked real enough. I blinked , forcing my breathing to even itself out. He was beautiful, majestic even.

The wind blew his golden brown fur coat and his chest was puffed out. It is to unbelievable. So confident, so wild but tamed. My ass ached but I could care less right now. He lowered his head, a sign of submission, he wouldn't hurt me, his eyes seemed to promise me as he went down to his belly and looked at me in fear, really I was the one scared between us, he was massive compared to regular wolves. He crawled closer, slowly and I urged myself to keep calm. A few paces away from me he stopped, it was my move now.

I pushed my drawing pad to the side, setting it neatly on the boulder, I didn't want to ruin my masterpiece. I stood slowly, not taking my eyes off of the beautiful creature, I wanted so badly to draw him as I crouched down and I sat on my knees cautiously and reach my hand out.

It watched me with its navy blue eyes, it stared at my hand as I inched closer to it.

"Okay, good boy. "I licked my dry lips," you won't hurt me, will you, boy? You are a boy right? "I mumbled the last part and a huff escaped the wolf. Soon I touched its fur, soft as silk and the shock waves that ran through my body gave me shivers, weird but pleasant.

"What are you?" I asked in a low whisper, staring into its eyes, the eyes that seemed to be looking through my soul. He lowered them and I smiled. God, what have I gotten myself into? I ran my hand over its large head, his fur was as soft as silk and I loved the tingles it gave me. Although I was frightened, I was more intrigued by him. His submission was unexpected, he was adorable to say the least.

He inched further until his head was in my lap and I gave a nervous chuckle, unable to believe my luck. He seemed to let out a deep purr which resonated from his chest.

"You are magnificent. "I said as my hand went over his neck to his paw, it was huge, big enough to fit my hand and then some. He watched me cautiously, as though weighing in possibilities. I wanted to draw his badly now but I was afraid moving away would startle him and he'd flee so, I studied him.

"How is this even possible? "I asked myself as I compared his size, he was just too big to comprehend. His ears perked up and his head lifted and I froze, not sure what would happen next. He stood then, startling me and stood protectively over me and growled. I peaked into the direction he stared at, could there be others? He whined and looked to me just as I spotted a pair of sky blue eyes and bright sea green ones, narrowed at me.

I gasped and swallowed, they could probably just feel the fear rolling off of me in waves. The navy eyes and golden brown furred wolf nudged my legs and I stood not looking away from the dominant eyes which watched us. I turned to my wolf and he nodded his head in the direction I had come. How did he even know I came from that way? He nudged me again, this time with a little bit more force before walking towards the creepier wolves who waited for him.

I couldn't really find my voice, too shell shocked to even think of what to say out loud. He disappeared and I blinked as a growl, threateningly rang out before the sound of their running was left. I blinked and swallowed before slapping s hand over my chest. I shouldn't be alive.

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