CHAPTER 7 : Who's The Real Enemy?

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I clenched my hands inti fists as the anger surged through me. She smirked and held her hands out beside her in a welcoming suggestion.

"That's right, "She said lowly," get angry. " I didn't know how my anger would help her but I knew, she only made me even angrier. I felt my entire body warm up. It started with my hands, I looked down to see them engulfed in fire. I roughly pulled them ahead of me, towards her and two balls of fire flew towards her face. She smiled a dark and dreary smile before she turned into a pale golden mist.

She laughed, it echoed around me and I turned to see where she had reappeared. Suddenly she was behind me and before I could react her fist collided with the back of my head and I groaned in pain, falling a few feet away from her. She laughed again, softly, menacingly as I held the back of my head and panted on the ground.

"You wanted to replace her with me, "She said with amusement." You felt that motherly vibe and you wanted to feel it, radiate love...for you. "She said tauntingly. I clenched my eyes closed at the truth in her words. I yelled out as my ear was taken in between her fingers and she pulled me out." You were so wrong, Ezra. " She pulled me and I crawled with her as she lead me outside and threw me against the ground. Where was Mia? I found myself questioning.

I turned my head towards her. Cody flashed through my mind, his innocent yet devious smile and his bright shining blue eyes which always seemed to hold so much emotion. I couldn't allow myself to be so weak, even if I was inexperienced, I couldn't go down, I couldn't let Cody down. My fingers dug into the ground and I felt as my eye sight got sharper as I looked at the woman who raised my mother, the woman I had hoped would be different, would love me as only a mother could love their child.

"You need to remember. "She said, her eyes flashing and I realised then and there that she might hurt me, but she could never kill me, I had something she wanted. The ground began to shake under my hands." A little earthquake could never stop me. "She hissed and held her hand out, a gust of wind blew my face and then it turned to electricity but, I didn't feel it, in fact, it stopped inches from my face. There was a transparent dome around me, it was a golden haze of light. I smirked as I felt myself grow calmer. I could do this, I could do this, I kept telling myself.

I looked her straight in the eye before throwing both my hands out in her direction, I made a triangle with my hands and the ground came up on each aide of her and she gasped in surprise as they stopped at her neck, caging her painfully. I stood up, the transparent shield went down, my hands fell to my sides and I made a claw like shape with my hands and held them up, water came up from the ground, tendrils of water swirled and mixed, forming a large lump of water. I held it up, levitating in front of me before thrusting my hand out towards her and the water engulfed her face all the way to her waist. Her eyes widened and her mouth gapped. I narrowed my eyes as she began to choke.

"Ezra! "I turned my head to my aunt whose eyes were wide with shock." Stop this, right now. "

"So, you would rather she killed me than I her? Should have known."

"That isn't true. "I moved the water away from her face and she gasped and coughed, I smirked and held the water back to her face.

"Oh, but it is." I said lowly, my eyes narrowing in on her.

"Ezra, this isn't you, "she said gently, her worried gaze on her mother." You don't want to do this. "

"You couldn't possibly know that."

"I do. "I dropped my hands and the water splashed all over my grandma's body. My eyes widened as I was sent flying backwards, my back collided with a tree branch and I groaned and coughed." Sorry, "Mia said before attending to her mother. I watched with blurred eyes. I couldn't even trust her and ahe was supposed to guide me, mentor me but instead they wanted me dead. I panted from my spot with only one thought on my mind.

"Cody," I whispered longingly. My body felt weak, drained and tired, I fell to the ground on my side, my eyea blurred as I watched my aunt and my grandma regroup.

"I'm fine, Mia, "my grandma said, brushing her hand away.

"Why did you do that?" I heard Mia ask softly as my eyes fluttered and I tried to get my lunges some air.

"The true question is why didn't you? "My brows furrowed as a headache came crashing down on me. Then I slipped into unconsciousness.


"Where is the gem, Fiona," the woman asked leaning closer to my mother who didn't move her eyes from my face.

"What are you doing here, mother? "My mom asked instead, lookin tense and worried.

"You just told you what I came from, how stupid could you get?" The woman hissed. She turned to face me with a bright smile and my brows furrowed. "Oh, isn't he just the little cutie, hows my grandson doing today?" I turned to my mother, wondering if I was allowed to answer the older woman. My mother shook her head slowly so I looked down at thw ground, my hand tightening on her finger.

"You need to leave, mother, "My mom said. The womab laughed huskily, her head tilting back.

"I just need the gem you took, it has no use to you." I lookes at my mother, her face darkening.

"Just because I'm not like you, it doesn't mean I am completely useless. "She turned to the older woman and smirked." we all have some bit of power in us all, mother, it just works differently. "My mother stood, her hand tight in mine." You will never find that gem, even if it kills me. "She began to walk away, with me in tow.

"Even if it kills your little boy?" She paused and I looked up at her as she looked down on me.

"He will know what to do when his time comes. "She whispered, her eyes sad as they watched me. It seemed like she wanted to say something else, but she never did.


"I'm going to kill them, every last one of them." There was darkness but I recognised the voice, it belonged to the only person I chose to stay strong for. "I can't believe this happened. Troye, why the hell would they do this? What do they have against him?" I felt a soft hand caress ny cheek, the sparks spread warmth inside of me and I relaxed against Cody's touch.

"I don't know, Cody, she may be my mother, but she doesn't tell me everything. I don't even know who my real father is, do you honestly believe she would tell me this? "The offense and hurt was so very evident in my cousins tone.

"Troye, they nearly killed him," Cody whimpered. "I'm sorry, but, I really don't think you should be here either." He sounded sorry but I knew, he was only lookin out for his mate.

"Cody, I would never hurt him, or you. You can't honestly mean that. "

"How can I not, though?" Cody said and I could just see the pout on his face. "For all we know they could be in your mind, controlling you or something." There was a snort. "You know it's possible."

"Yeah, but you and I both know they don't have enough power to do that. "

"Fine, but, I swear, I won't be held accountable for anything I do if anyone of them dare to even try to get at Ezra." The possessiveness in his tone was one which made my heart swell he actually cared about me.

"I don't doubt you for even a second, Cody. " Neither did I.

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