CHAPTER 2 : Cody

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Cody was skipping ahead of me but not very far, I could reach him if I held my hand out. His happiness made me smile and all it took was knowing that I accept him. He was singing and hoping around, giggling.

"I guess we'll have to start your training tomorrow. "I paused to look at ny aunt as though she had lost her mind, she smirked and stuck her tongue out at me. I noticed that Cody had also stopped and stood right beside me, still on his own high as he played with my fingers.

"Couldn't we start, I don't week? "I suggested." I still need to adjust." She raised a brow at me.

"Well, if you want that, ij the mean time, exercise your brain. "Then with a shimmering green light, she disappeared.

"Exercise my brain? What?" Cody giggled from beside me and I looked at him. "You find this really funny, don't you?" He shook his head with a smile. "You enjoy me being confused, don't you?" I raised a brow at him as he stepped back, biting his lip. "You better run," he squealed and turned around and running away. I laughed and went after him. He giggled and ran at a speed that allowed it to be easy to get him but I just kept a distance to keep up the fun.

I felt free with him in this moment as the wind wiped passed us. He turned to look at me.

"Eek! "He said and ran faster. I could see his house getting closer as we ran and my lungs felt ss though they were on fire already. Just as we came out of the forest, I grabbed him around his waist and he laughed gleefully." Ezra! "he laughed as I stopped and went down, taking him with me. I panted with a smile, laughing breathlessly as he shifted himself above me, getting comfortable on top of me. He grinned down at me." That was fun. "

"You...are such a child." He beamed at me.

"Well, then I'm your child, "he sassed, moving his head from side to side. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You can never be serious, can you?" I teased and he pouted down at me.

"I can, so, be serious, watch. "He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He blinked and looked down at me serious but there was still that childishly happy glint in his eyes." I'm Cody and the very serious right now, "his eyebrows moved up and down and he burst out into a fit of giggles. I shook my head at him.

"It's ok, I like you just the way you are." He stopped laughing and looked down at me with a bright blush.

"I like you too, just the way you are. "Then his smile turned into a smirk." When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. "He sang and I groaned.

"Stop with that song!" I rolled over so that he was beneath me then I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Because you're amazing! "he pointed to me," just the way you are. "he giggled and sat up." Oh! Bath time. "My eyebrows rose at the abrupt change. He jumped up and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the house. I looked over at a group of adults and saw his father, Cody looked over and saw the same and he beamed." Daddy! Mommy! Look! "He held our hands up at them as they turned. "He knows!" He fist bumped and suddenly the group began to cheer for him and he blushed.

"I'm so happy for you baby! "a small woman gushed, clinging to Cody's father, her golden brown hair long and wavy and she smiled at me. I waved."Oh, he's cute." She sent him a wink and Cody blushed and pulled me into the house, not giving me a chance to introduce myself.

"Arw you seriously going to take a bath? "I asked as we entered his room. He nodded his head vigorously while beaming up at me.

"Uh-huh," he turned around with a bounce to his step and entered his attached bathroom. I stood awkwardly not sure what to do with myself as I heard the water running. "Ezra?" He called for me and I walked over to the door to hear him clearer while avoiding looking through the open door. "You can come in," he said somewhat shyly.

"Uh, "I scratched the back of my head awkwardly." I don't think that's a...good idea. "

"Why not?" I jumped slightly as he was already peaking from inside the room. I blushed as I looked at him, a towel tightly clutched to his waist. "I promise not to take advantage." He giggled, his eyes sparkling.

"I think that would go the other way around, considering how you will be the one naked and all. "I swallowed thickly as I stared at his chest, his pink nipples were taunt and I had a strong urge to tug at them. I turned away quickly, trying to make the situation less awkward for myself.

"Don't be silly," he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom. I stumbled and shook my head, he was just too comfortable with this.

"But, "he narrowed his eyes at me and I stopped talking as he turned the faucet off. There were blue bubbles, hiding the water. He pulled me to the step as he got in. I hid my eyes behind my hand and he giggled, he was enjoying this way to much.

"You can come out of hiding now, little bunny. "I rose one eyebrow in question at him as I let my hand fall onto my lap.

"Little bunny? I think that title should go to you." He shook his head as he gathered the bubbled. He puffed out his chest.

"Nu-uh, me, I'm a wolf, I'm not fluffy and cute. "

"I beg to differ."  He laughed while staring at me. We went silent, the sound of water being the only sound.

"I want to draw you. "I said randomly, even though I had already drawn him, I wanted to capture this moment. The flush of his cheeks and his wet skin and how innocent look on his face as his eyes were wide and happy. He flushed brightly with a small smile.

"Ok," he agreed without hesitation.

"I mean right now. "I emphasised feeling excited.

"Um, I have some drawing paper somewhere by the study desk." He supplied and I nodded standing and walking out of the bathroom and to his room.



I was overly excited, I had a mate, he had accepted me, agreed to be mine. How could I have not been over the moon with joy. I played with the bubbles with a small smile, waiting for Ezra to come back. My wolf was bouncing around in my mind, howling with infinite joy, he wanted nothing more than to please our mate, make him happy, welcome and comfortable, he was definitely acting and thinking like a housewife. I giggled as some of the bubbles landed on my nose as Ezra entered with a writing pad and a pencil.

"You know, right before I texted you, I was drawing and I only realised after finishing it that I drew you. "He smiled at me and sat down. My heart was beating erratically, I wanted to jump out of the warm relaxing water and into his arms."I guess, even when I'm trying to escape you will always be there." I wanted to aw as my cheeks heated up. "You look perfect right now." He said, his gaze one of concentration and focus, he looked at me as though I was the very reason for his passion of drawing.

I watched as his hand seemed to fly across the page, he looked up at me ever so often as he drew and sent me a dazzling smile. I felt like the happiest most luckiest guy in the world then.

"Waters cold, "I whispered even though I was naturally warm." Are you staying over? " I asked, it had probably been an hour and a half of hin drawing and I wanted to sleep. I stifled a yawn and rubbed my eyes.

"You should get to bed," I shook my head with a pout and he stood getting me my towel and I stood, covering myself.

"I'm not-"I yawned, "tierd." I huffed and he chuckled at me. I smiled sleepily and he shook his head as we walked into my bedroom.

"Do you want me to stay? " He asked me as I put in my pajama pants.

"Yes, although, if you do , I'll never be able to sleep well without you beside me." I walked over to him, being that he had accepted me, I felt more confident and I didn't want to hold back, not unless he told me to hold back, I would hold him because he was mine after all. My wolf howled inside of me as I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"I want to stay, but, "I tightened my arms around him.

"Stay," I demanded lightly and he chuckled as a walked backwards towards where I knew the bed was. He didn't fight me on it, he landed on top of me. I giggled, I liked the position very much. I sighed happily and my eyes fluttered as I fell asleep right then and there.

Happy new year! Nice way of starting the new year, don't you agree?

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