CHAPTER 10 : Three Month Deadline

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I couldn't stop staring. He had let me mark him, he let me claim him as mine, so now every wolf would know to back off and just as important, he mated with me. With me! I was overjoyed, my wolf was sated and content and so was I. With a goofy smile on my face I rested my chin on the back of my hands which were pressed against Ezra's chest, he let out a soft snore which caused his nose to twitch and I suppressed a giggle as I looked up at him.

My gaze dropped from his face to his neck, specifically the mark which was brightly shimmering, left by me. I felt giddy and all bubbly inside. I giggled softly as I stared at the colourful masterpiece, it was a swirl of blue and amber, my name was drawn elegantly inside the swirl in a navy blue and gold. I felt the possessiveness intensify within me as well as a warm flutter in the pit of my stomach.

He'll be hungry when he wakes up, my wolf said to me and I turned to the clock to see that he was absolutely right.

We should make him breakfast! I squealed and I could feel him agreeing with me wholeheartedly. I shifted only to wince at the pain in my lower back. I stopped and felt my face heat up with happiness at the thought of the reason behind it. I wanted to do it again, I was so shameless. I shook my head and skillfully extracted myself, unwillingly of cource, from Ezra who grumbled and reached out for me with furrowed brows. He looked so handsome I almost forgot why I was leaving him.

"Focus, Cody, "I scolded lowly and I grabbed my boxers from the floor and shimmied into them and then I took Ezra's shirt and put it on while inhaling his lingering scent, that would keep me sane while I made breakfast. I gave one last fleeting look to Ezra now holding the sheets close to his chest and mumbling, I sighed. "Oh the will to please," I thought and smiled, maybe I'd get a reward, I thought with a giggle before disappearing into the halls.

"I like Ezra's butt and I cannot lie, 'cause nobody can deny, "I sang my version as I walked down the hall to the stairs with a slight limp.

Do you think he'll like pancakes or waffles? My wolf asked and I pouted not completely sure.

Mabye we should make them both? I suggested and he seemed to like the idea. I smiled and limped down the stairs. I was mated now, I had a mate and he loved me. I was over the moon and freaking out a little on the inside. I reached the bottom and stopped at the sound of voices.

"Dad, are you serious? "It was William, he sounded distressed and frustrated.

"We both know how serious I am," It was my dad and he sounded regretful but firm. "We don't have much of a choice, I know that Troye is your mate can't be together-"

"And yet we still don't know why we can't, just that we are physically being kept apart. You know that if we could, we'd be mate by now, I'd have a pup on the way. "William said angrily.

"I'm sorry, son, but, if you want to be Alpha, the pack feels that you should chose another m-" He stopped and I felt my heart break. My brother was going to have to chose a mate, he was going to have to fall in love with someone else, someone who probably had someone out there for him. I felt my heart race at the prospect of my brothers misery. "Cody, I can smell you." My father sighed and I revealed myself to them. My eyes stung with fresh tears as my previous happiness dissolved.

"There has to be a way. "I said and sniffed, I stared up at my large and masculine father and he ran a fan over his face.

"Cody." He said in defeat.

"There has to be! "The first tear fell." Troye and William belong together, they love each other and you know it. "Furiously, I wiped away my tears." This...thia can be stopped, you don't have to mate with someone who isn't yours, "I spoke to William," we can find a way. "He opened his arms, his face sad but smiling. I ran over to him and buried my face in hia chest." You deserve to be happy, William, you do and Troye can give that to you, "I sniffed," there has to be a way." I sobbed with a broken heart and William tightened his arms around me.

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