CHAPTER 12 : So, It's True?

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Two weeks later


"What if it's negative? "Cody asked looking up at me. I stared at the stick he peed on with an erratic heartbeat.

"Well, then, it's negative." I shrugged and glanced at him to see him frown, his shoulders slumped down. I sighed. "Look, I'm not trying to be insensitive, I know how much you want that baby in the oven, but, really," I pulled him closer to me. "We have forever to make babies." I kissed his forehead and he nodded. He was still a little down and I could feel it. "Do you really want a baby? I mean, you're only 18."

"I'm an Omega, Ezra, having babies is a dream come true for us, no matter how young or how old." His words weighed heavily on my shoulders. I nodded in understanding. "But, I also love to please and if it makes you feel better if I'm not pregnant, I'll understand...I can wait." I could see and feel the honesty in his words but, I also knew that he really wanted this to happen, but he put me first. How couldn't I? There was a beep and we both caught our breath. Slowly we turned our head to the stick on the counter in the bathroom.


It hit me like a ton of bricks, I was going to be a father. My breath caught and I felt the happiness as well as the worry radiating from Cody. I tightened my arms around him. So, it was true-

"We are going to be parents. "I whispered while nodding my head absent mindedly. I felt him look at me but my eyes were fixed onto the pregnancy test stick.

"Are you okay?" I continued to nod.

"Yeah... Are you? "I looked to him and he cupped my cheek.

"Only if you are." We went silent and I stared into his gorgeous eyes.

"I'm scared, "I admitted and he smiled shakily.

"Me too." he put his hand on his flat and toned stomach, I placed my hand over his. "I have a life growing inside of me." The love and joy shining in his eyes made me feel better, more calm.

"We are going to be fathers. "I felt the burn of fresh tears and I clenched my eyes shut and buried my face in his neck as he held me."Dad's, oh God." I laughed suddenly. "What will your parents say?" I said into his neck, my arms tightening. He didn't say anything, instead he let me sweat as I thought of all the ways his father might threaten me.


"There's going to be a ceremony. "I looked up at Cody as he stood before me, biting down on his lip." To welcome you to the pack as one of our own. "We had yet to tell his parents about his pregnancy, I think, down deep, he was scared shirtless of their reactions, even if his father had brought it to our attention, he was probably hoping that it wouldn't be since he thought we only did it once when really, it was a whole lot more than that.

"When? "I asked twirling the pen in my hand. He shrugged and sat in my lap, his arm over my shoulder.

"Don't know," He ran his hand through my hair and I felt the desire rolling off of him as he looked at me through his lashes. I smiled at him and he blushed beautifully. "Probably this weekend." He bit his lip as he trailed his finger down my mark to my chest, where the buttons of my shirt were undone. I took his hand and pressed my lips to the tips of his fingers. "I need to tell you something."  He whispered guiltily and my brows furrowed.

"What is it? "I asked, pressing a kiss to his palm. His breath quickened.

"It's about William and Troye," he said softly and I paused to look up at him, his eyes were shining with worry.

"What about them, "he bit his lip.

"They belong together, Ezra, and it hurts me to see them apart like this." He began not going straight for the point. "It pains me to to see them like this, you know, we all grew up together and William has always been inlove with Troye and the same goes for Troye, they only found out why when William turned 18 and..." He sniffed. "They need your help, Ezra."  He looked pleasingly at me.

"Me? How can I do that? "I asked in complete shook. I agreed, those two did belong together did I fit into that equation?

"We believe that...Troye believes that it's a spell keeping them apart but...they don't know why or even who...we were thinking that...that mabye you could help them find out, mabye even reverse the spell. "I stood up abruptly and he moved over in time so he wouldn't fall.

"Me!? Cody, how...what are you even thinking!?" I yelled in frustration. "How can you just...put such a big responsibility on my shoulders!? How could I... You just..." I shook my head in disbelief and he began to cry silently, but I couldn't even feel bad for yelling at him, I was stressing already with the news of me being a father one day.

"Ezra, pl-"

"No!" I said staring at him wide eyed, "I have enough to worry about, Cody." He took a step back and whimpered. "We are going to have a baby, Cody, a baby, isn't that enough stress!?" I yelled furiously. "You can' that to me. I've barely been able to think straight since I found out that I have magic powers, I don't even know how to use it. How can you possibly believe I'd do this." I bit my lip, now,I was getting angry, the more I thought of it and my eyes burned with tears as Cody's intense fear and sadness hit me like a wall. "Stop it." I hissed and he gasped stepping back.

"I di-didn't do anything. "he whispered brokenly. I clenched my eyes closed.

"You are, dammit! Stop, making me feel," I began to pant as my entire body began to buzz with electricity.

"Ezra, I'm sorry.. I didn't - I didn't meant to upset you. "I looked at him sharply and his fear became even more evidence.

"Well, you did, you knew, better than anyone that I am still figuring things out, you know how control is not so easy for me."

"No, I didn't," he said with a sudden fire in his eyes. "We have had much time to talk about everything, you've barely even tried to use your power except unwillingly and unnoticeably, so I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry, Ezra." My face turned and my jaw clenched, I was still so angry and the hated it.

The door burst open and William was staring wide eyed at me.

"Cody, you need to come here, "he said.

"No, just go, William."

"Cody, he's funking electric. "My brows furrowed and I lifted my hands to look, my eyes widened as I saw the electricity buzzing around me. I was walking electricity. I began to panic.

"Cody, you need to go, I don't want to hurt you." I said shakily ans he stepped forward and I back.

"No, I got you angry, "He said as though it were the complete reason.

"So, It's true, you really don't have control." The light bulbs then burst out at Williams words.

"Don't test me, William. "He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Mabye that's what you really need."

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