CHAPTER 8 : The Full Awakening

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I was surrounded by darkness, not a single sign of light in sight. I blinked up, I held up my hands to my eyes, they were as small as an 8 year olds. Then I heard a noise so I turned around. I stuffed my hands in my pocket and walked towards a small beam of light. I walked, my bare feet hitting the cool black floor. Thw noise seemed to rise and I recognised the voices.

"He is the devil, just like you. "A man yelled as I got closer.

"Richard, please," a woman whimpered, "it wasn't me, I swear, I left that behind me." She pleaded and the darkness began to fade and I recognised the hall of my parents house. I walked cautiously and peaked into the kitchen. "I-I didn't want to tell you." she whispered, shaking her head, her hair swaying around her face. I looked up to my father to see the curiosity shine in them.

"Tell me what? "That your family blood has infected my off spring? That my family's next heir is tainted with disgusting and cursed blood." He seethed angrily.

"You know I hate them just as much as you do, I hate what they can do, trust me, I didn't lie to you. "

"Then how could this have happened? If you were born pure of of all your siblings, then why is my heir so dirty."

"He isn't your son, Richard. "


I gasped out and coughed, I rolled and my throat grew tight, I felt as though I was being choked, the air left my lungs as I thrashed around. I held my throat and gasped louder. My vision grew blurry and I felt it, the tug in my stomach just as my skin began to prickle and the room began to heat up.

"T-tr-"I tried to call out for my cousin but I couldn't, nothing came out but the door slammed open and my cousin stood there, his eyes wide.

"Shit! "He bolted for the door and left me. Suddenly, I could breath again as a surge of energy washed over me, as though an invisible force of power had been awaken inside of me but I couldn't move. My entire body felt numb and my head was pounding. Troye came back, phone in hand as he knelt beside me.

"Talk to him." He said, I couldn't even muster an expression.

"Ezra!? Ezra, are you there? "It was Cody, his voice laced with worry." Ezra, talk to me. "I couldn't understand why he had called him, what the purpose had been or what went through his head as he decided on it. All I knew was that it qas working. My throat cleared as I could feel my lungs take in fresher air.

"Cody?" I rasped and then I heard him let out a relieved breath.

"Ezra, I waa so worried, Troye called and said you were having some kind of siesure or something. "He explained and again I wondered why call him.

"Yeah, scared myself too," I looked up at Troye who gave a sigh of relief as well, I liked my lips as I felt my fingers twitch as feeling came back.

"Don't scare me, please, "he pleaded and I smiled, he sounded adorable, honest to God, he did, but I had to put my feelings aside and focus on what I wanted to know. The truth, and not only a part of it, I wanted to know all of it." Tell me how you feel? "He asked softly and I flexed my fingers, I felt...strong, honestly, aside frim my mental confusion, I knew something had happened, had taken place, I just wasn't sure what, but I was sure I knew who could tell me.

"I feel...strong, like a surge of power just went through me, but most of all, I'm confused. "I paused as I stared into Troye's eyes." Instead if calling a doctor, Troye called you and I just want to know, what just happened and why the hell did he think you could help. "

Troye seemed to have frozen and he tensed.

"I -" Troye clicked the end button, cutting Cody ofd completely and only looked to me.

"It's Saturday and it happened, it only proves my mother was right. "He said to me." So, I guess now it's safe to tell you what's really going on, but first you need to drink a full cup of honey water. "He helped me up to my feet in which I swayed for a moment before I could walk. Slowly I followed after him in silence, my hand against the wall.

The kettle went off as I took my seat at the kitchen counter. He poured the flaming hot water into a large cup and added honey before stirring.

"Alright, now tell me what just happened, because right now, you seem to know a lot more than you let on. " He passed the cup over to me and I grabbed it.

"Firstly, you just had what your kind tends to call a Full Awakening," he says while busying himself with an object covered with old looking fabric. "It is different for everyone, some don't get the Full Awakening until their 19, and it happens differently for each family." The book he uncovered, using gloved hands, was made of silver fur and it had a padlock but where the key waa meant to go there was a semi-circle.

"My mother, had it when she was 10 years old, "he looked up at me and smirked at the questions flowing into my eyes." They often believed that the younger you were when it happened, the more powerful your supposed to be. So far very true."

"You keep saying your kind, what is 'my kind', exactly? "I asked frustrated.

"There are many names for you, some bad, few good, but they all mean the same thing."

"Your going in riddles now, aren't you? "I answered sarcastically and he smirked at me.

"Just trying to keep the mood, telling you so fast seems far to boring." I scowled at him and he laughed and he used a gloved to push the book over to me. "That book is over a thousand years old, created by the most powerful of your kind, it was made to help guide you in your path to where ever." He told me seriously. "My mother said to give it to you when the Awakening happened, if she didn't get back by then." I touched it with the tip of my finger and it hummed, I felt the electric shock run up my arm and I winced, retracting my arm away.

"I was hoping that wouldn't happen. "I looked up at him annoyed, he still hadn't told me what I am, which annoyed and intrigued me at the same time.


"See, the book is very...selective. "My brows furrowed at the choice of words.

"What? Would you speak English!"

"I am, "he smirked." Anyway, the book is literally made only to open at the hands of those it deems worthy, those accepting of their true selves and those who are pure of heart in the intention of use. "He explained.

"What? So now I'm dirty? Like the man said." I grumbled.

"What are you talking about? "I felt my headache double.

"I had a dream right before this 'Full Awakening' thing." I sighed and stared down at the book.

"Yes, by the way, that could also be the reason why the book won't open. "He sighed." There is a block in your mind, that's why you don't know what or who you really are, also why the book might not be opening up to you. "

"Ok, then what am I?"

"Some people call you warlocks, "I reared my head back," some even wizards, but in this family, we call you Caster's because to be quite frank, you do not use wants and you do not wear long robes. "My lips parted.

"Caster's? I am a Caster?"

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