CHAPTER 6 : Darkness

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"In the flesh! "She laughed musically and stepped back, her hands on my biceps as she took in my appearance." My, you have grown. "She mused with a bright, pearly toothed smile.

"I'd say the same but, you," I paused and looked at her. "You haven't aged a day since." I said baffled while also trying to grasp at that day, I wanted to hear what my mother had said to her, I knew, it was important, something about that day, it felt important but now the memory was gone, I felt as though I was picking at locked doors. It was frustrating.

"Oh, you are so cute. "Her eyes danced as she looked me over.

"I hadn't expected you to come back, Ezra, especially alone." Mia said pouring three cups of tea.

"Guess it was just a feeling, I had to come home. "I said, unable to stop looking at my grandmother, she looked so much like my mother, my chest gave a dull thub.

"So, Ezra, how are you?" My grandma asked, motioning for me to sit down. I sudde lying felt dizzy and faint, nauseous eve.

"I've been better, "I said, accepting the tea gratefully. I took a sip and sighed as warmth washed over me." Mia, where's Troye? "Mia didn't look up at me, she shrugged.

"At a friends," she supplied simply.

"Oh, my sweet Ezra, I've waited so long to see you. "Grandma said, touching the back of my hand. Her touch soothed me in a way only a mother could. I smiled a small smile.

"I've always wondered about you."

"What about? "

"The real reason my mother hated you." She sat back and nodded.

"Good question to ask, but, very bad timing. "She smiled brightly." Right now, we will talk about you, ans figure out who put that block in your mind. "I raised a brow as she took a sip of her tea before adding three more spoons of sugar.

"Ma!" Mia tried to scowld but grandma waved her hand, wanting not to hear another word.

"Why is that important? Shouldn't we just get over it? I mean, I know what I am. That should be enough. " She shook her head at me.

"I'm afraid not," she tilted her head up slightly while still looking at me. "The longer we wait, the worse those headaches will get." She tilted her head slightly. "Do you know, that the more your mind is forced into remembrance, the more fatal it gets?"

"What do you mean? "I asked confused.

"I mean that, whatever triggers a locked memory, the higher the possibility of your death becomes." My heart sank as I registered what she was saying.

"What? " There was silence as I stared at the woman as though she gave birth to a deranged two headed cat. My eyes widened as it sunk in just as my grandmother turned to Mia and they both started laughing. I furrowed my brows as they laughed as though they just witnessed the funniest thing in the world.

"Oh, wow, your face, "my grandmother slammed a hand onto the table in a fit of laughter.

"Death by headache. Classic." Mia gasped and wiped a single tear.

"Could you be serious, "I demanded furiously even though I was actually really relieved that it was a joke, a very sick joke but a joke either way.

"Oh, you party pooper." My grandma pouted which resulted in my raising an eyebrow in question.

"How old are you? "I asked sarcastically.

"185, but that's still very young." My eyes widened as she said it so proudly.

"Are you serious? "I asked, I had never met anyone who got to that age. It was not very common.

"Among the supernatural, it is very common and actually very young."  I turned to Mia and raised a brow.

"She can read your mind, so can I, "She shuddered and I smirked even though it wasn't what I was questioning.

"Ok, so, I'm here to help you remember." My grandma stood up from her seat with enthusiasm. "Been a while since I delt with the brain," I reared my head in horror as she twiddled her fingers towards my head.

"The look on your face, isn't reassuring. "I said and she huffed.

"Besides, we aren't sure how the person went about blocking his memories." Mia supplied coming to stand beside her. "For all we know there could be a ticking time bomb waiting to explode once we even think of a way to go about it."

"Wait, are you saying I could explode? "Mia shrugged.

"Well, maybe, I don't know." They grabbed onto my arm and lead me to the living room. "It's best we get your little boyfriend here, he might help heal you if we leave a...mark." I turned to her.

"What kind of mark. "They both shrugged and I sighed.

"Mabye it's best we not even do this, I mean, it's the past, let it be." I tried to reason as they plopped me onto the couch.

"Absolute not. "My grandma said defensively and I turned my head slightly, not taking my eyes off of her.

"Why? What is so important about this? What will you gain if I remember?" They went silent and then I knew I had asked the right questions. I stood and folded my arms over my chest. "Answer the questions." I demanded and my grandma raised a single brow.

"We just want you to remember, "she said, aiming to be nonchalant." A caster needs his memory to move on with his training. "I could tell she was lying because of how her left eye gave a small twitch, it was just the same as my mother.

"No, you don't," I said lowly, in a whisper. "What is it about my memory that makes you want whatever it is I don't remember, so badly?" I demanded, taking a step closer.

My grandma took a step closer to me, her face a picture of complete seriousness. It was frightening because her eyes began to glow, a bright gold spread around her entire eye, the pale brown now gone.

"Remember, and perhaps I'll tell you. "She said in hushed tone, hwr voice silky. The air around her hummed and therr was a darkness about it, I shivered and I suddenly didn't want to remember, because if I did, she'd see exactly what ahe was after.

"Tell me, and mabye, just maybe," I looked her straight in the eye. "I'll allow you to do what ever it is you want to me so that I'll remember." Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head slowly.

"I don't think so, "her hand went out and I felt a surging pain envelope my entire body before I was flown across the room into the wall. I gasped and groaned at the pain in my back from the harsh collision.

"Mom!" I heard Mia's panicked voice yell. I gasped and panted on the floor, I couldn't believe my grandmother actually attacked me. First, she seemed kind, loving and a mother figure and now, she radiated darkness and anger. I opened my eyes, blinking rapidly against the blur. She was still where she stood with a smirk. "Mom, what are you doing!?" Mia asked with wide eyes.

I felt my blood boil and I clenched my hands into fists. Time to get even.

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