CHAPTER 5 : Werewolf 101 /Grandma?

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"Oh, the Moon Goddess is the one who created us, she made the first ever werewolf and over the years has perfected our being. "Cody said enthusiastically as he bounced beside me while we made our way back to the pack house at our own speed." It's believed that, before, like in then beginning, our kind had been more animal than human, we never left the woods even in our human form, mates weren't as easy to find either back then, we lived like actual wolves. " He smiled up at me and intertwined our fingers.

"That's...actually amazing."

"It is, with every century, as we evolved, she would perfect us according to what gave most inspiration. The whole mate business was actually inspired by one wolf who fell so in love with another wolf who he could never actually have. It was said that, he'd been in love with royalty which is the Alpha in his pack, The Moon Goddess was so inspired by his devoted passion that from then, she graced us with the gift to find love, it was three simple steps. "I looked down at him.


"Yep, scent, sight and touch. Simple. The one who belongs to you, the one who holds part of your soul, they gave off a scent, " we paused and he leaned over to me and sniffed deeply, it was not weird at all." the one scent which would drive you insane, it drives one crazy and allows for us to find them. Sight, "he looked me deeply in the eye," one look and you knew, the wolf spirit inside would howl out 'mate' in our head and beg for control, we see our future with the first look, going everyday together, having pups and growing old. Touch. "He held up our joint hands, running his finger over my thumb." The sparks seal the deal, one touch from ones true mate can calm and reassure, it is addictive, once you feel it, you want nothing more than to have it all over you, touching you, "He stepped closer, his breath hitched as he held my palm to his cheek, his eyes fluttering. "feeling you, and most importantly... Loving you." He finished.

I swallowed roughly, my heart rate picking up. I was hot and very bothered, in the right way though. I caressed his cheek and he sighed with content, hia eyes fluttering open.

"I've always watched my parents, the love they hold for one another... I've always wanted that for myself, I want what they still have even as they age. "He confessed lowly." I almost lost hope when I turned 18, it's the required age for a mate. "

"How old is your brother?" I asked with furrowed brows.


"Why's he still in high school? "I asked confused.

"He didn't want to leave me behind, he wanted to keep an eye on me." My mouth parted.

"Wow, he put his life on hold...for you? "Cody shrugged and smiled.

"Partly." He said before turning and pulling me along. I knew he was talking about Troye but I still wanted to make sure.

"Troye? "He hesitated for a moment before nodding."Well, if they have known each other for a long time, and Troye knows about him, why aren't they together?" I asked and Cody turned away, biting his lip.

"Honestly, it's complicated, even I don't really know whaat the problem is. "He sighed." I hope you won't ask me hard questions. "He pouted and I laughed.

"Why not?" He turned to me, his face a picture of absolute seriousness, it was unexpected and out of character.

"Because it would kill me to have to lie to you. "I tiltes my head to the side, urging him to continue with my eyes." Mate, keeping things from one another is difficult and it will get harder once we've mated. We have a bond, Ezra, each set of mates have it, it was active the moment we made eye contact for the first time in the woods, for me it's much more intense because I'm a wolf, Omega or not, we feel everything harder than humans or Caster's. Lying to you, would be like having wolfsbane injected into my system. Keeping something from you would be like having a flaming torch burning me from the inside. I would feel like death itself and for you too, just not so intense. "He said honestly." So, I would neve lie to you, not willingly and you'd see right through me, even if I tried, same goes for you. "

"Intense," I said and he smiled.

"Extremely. " We began walking again, enjoying the breeze in silence as I absorbed all the information.

"So, why hasn't William made a move? Isn't it killing him being without his mate?"

"I wish I knew the real story but, all I know is that they can't be together, I don't know why, he doesn't say but, I know he knows, he just doesn't want anyone worrying. "Cody looked down sadly." What makes their situation so bad is that you can see they want to be together, they really do like each other...a lot and over the years, their feelings have gotten stronger but...something is holding them back. "He looked up, his eyes squinting.

"What do you think is holding then back?" I asked getting closer and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"No, something. It's like an actual force is keeping them at bay, separating them and stopping them from advancing. "He stopped and pursed his lips." I remember when he turned 18, I was there when he went for Troye. We were all at the lake when William stormed onto the scene, his wolf was in control, you can tell from the colour of the eyes, they change when they are in control. He had advanced towards Troye, just as they reached out for one another there was a flash,along with a deafening sound. "We had stopped as he seemed to see it all happening again." I don't know how it happened, why it happened but then they were both gone. I was freaking out, I remember because I had cried thinking he was dead or something. I ran home and he was there, in his room...sleeping. It didn't make any sense, non of it did, but when he woke he was in tears, he howled and he said his chest ached, all his symptoms showed those of a rejection. It was horrible. "Cody looked to me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

"I want my brother to be happy, Ezra, but how can he when his mate can't even accept him? "He buried his face in my chest and sobbed. I felt my heart break and then, I felt I needed to find out what was going on, why they couldn't be together and who was responsible.

I held him as he cried, weeping for his brother, praying he'd find the happiness he deserved. I wanted the same, for the both of them. I also thought, that there was no way they could, not if they couldn't have each other.


I looked up at the house, the lights were on and I could hear a faint hush of voices as I neared. We had company. I hadn't wanted to come home, not yet anyway, I wanted to be with Cody, talk to him about everything and anything, but I knew that I couldn't, not without talking to Mia first.

I twisted the knob of the front door and stepped inside. There was silence but thankfully there was also light. I closed the door behind me and went for the kitchen.

"It's about time you came in, I thought you'd never work up the guts to get into the house."I looked up to see Mia and another woman, much older but very familiar. I felt my breath hitch as a headache hit me hard and fast, very unexpected.

It was a bright summers day, the wind blew lightly over my face as I looked towards the bench where my moth sat watching me. I waved enthusiastically, my lips stretched into a wide smile. I ran over to her, panting and holding our a single yellow flower out to her, I had picked it from the garden in the park.

I clutched my forhead with a groan.

A woman approached us, a walking stick in hand even though she didn't look as old as she might have been.

"It's beautiful, baby, "my mother smiled lovingly as she held my cheek and took the flower. She hadn't noticed the woman sit beside her. I turned to look at her, admiring her amber coloured hair, there was a single strip of white down the left side of her head. She winked at me, her pale brown eyes had a playful glint.

"Hello, Ezra. " My mother turned her head sharply towards her.


I took a deep breath as my eyes began to sting.

"Absolutely remarkable. " I looked up at the older woman who stood and walked over to me, she hadn't changed, she didn't even look a day older than when I saw her." You remember me, don't you, Ezra? "She smiled gently as she laid her finger to my forehead. The headache dulled to a stop and I took deep breaths.


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