CHAPTER 13 : Maybe I Should Go

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"Maybe that's what you really need. "

I only saw disaster as William uttered his sentence. I could only wonder if he was somehow attempting death. I turned to him and saw the raw determination, he was not kidding. I looked to Ezra, knowing William was a lost cause, when he was determined, there was no getting him to change his mind. Ezra was taken aback and worried, he looked to me.

"Ezra, I know you don't want to hurt anybody. "I took a step closer to him again but he stepped back, his face a picture of fear. The crackling of electricity intensified and I could feel my hair rise." You need to calm down. "

"I'm trying." He said thickly. "Cody, I can't do this." He swallowed and I shook my head, wondering what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about? "

"If I can't control my power," he rose his hands, "how can we be sure I won't hurt you someday?" My face fell.

"Don't think like that, Ezra, please. "I pleaded, my wolf pawed for control, this was turning bad, I could feel it as the stress rose inside of him. He began to rapidly shake his head then he turned away from me. I felt my stomach sink as he bolted, thw window shattered before he touched it and he jumped. My eyes widened as he began to descend.

"Ezra!! "I screamed my heart out and ran for the window. If he died, I'd die with him. I leaped without a single though but him.

"Cody!" I heard William yell then curse as my heart felt as though it were about to jump out of my throat. Below me Ezra landed on his feet, in a crouched position and then he looked up to see me, his eyes widened.

"Cody! "he yelled before jumping up, gravity seemed to work against him as he was pushed up to me and suddenly I was in his arms. I grabbed him and sobbed into his neck. Our emotions were everywhere.

"You do have control." I sobbed and then I felt him touch the ground, the earth cracking beneath him.

"Cody, you shouldn't have come after me. "He said breathlessly, I looked at him with a deep sniff, his face was pale.

"I meant what I said about forever, Ezra. I'm not going back on it now that you want to commit suicide!" I yelled and leaped out of his arms. "What were you thinking!? Just because you go all electric you think you have the right to leave me!?" I was panting, fresh tears in my eyes.

"Cody, I-"he cut himself off.

"You are not leaving me, Ezra, even if you don't like that, I don't give a flying shit." I glared at him and then he had me in his arms with a laugh.

"I didn't know shit flew. "He joked and I slapped his shoulder.

"Not the point." I pushed against him. He looked up at me since I was still in his arms and my feet were far from the ground. "Ezra, you can't just run when things get tough." He bit his lip.

"I know. "

"I'm here for you, ok?" I cupped his cheek. "I want to help you, as much as I can." He smiled. "I know it's hard, ok? But, together, we can do everything, remember? You were the one who made me promise that even when faced with trouble, we will fix it together." He looked down in embarrassment.

"I did. "

"Yeah, I've kept my end, now you have to do the same."

"I won't let you down, Cody, never again. "The honesty was true in his eyes and I smiled before leaning down to kiss him deeply. Then there was a bang and we pulled apart. Ezra put me down and we turned to see Troye with a gun in his hand. Our eyes widened.

Troye had tears in his eyes as he held the gun up. He looked to us with so much grief and sadness.

"I've been thinking, "he said so I could hear. I held onto Ezra's hand and he pulled us closer only for us to stop as the gun was pointed right at us, we stopped, my breath caught.

"Troye, what the hell?" Ezra asked almost too calmly.

"It hurts. A lot. "Troye shrugged," and I can't take it anymore. "He sniffed." You wouldn't get it though because, "he wiggle the gun at our joined hands," your life is perfect. "He smiled brokenly," I can't even touch my mate with any type of affection unless I want to end up in my bed with a new scar. "He stated and then pack members began to emerge from the pack house because of thw commotion." I'm tierd, Ezra, Cody. I can't do this anymore, I don't even know why it's happening and I'm sick of it. "

"We can find a way," Ezra said gently, taking a bold step forward. "Let's at least try."

"Try what? "He pressed his lips together." My own mother can't even help and she has more experience. What makes you think you could make a difference?" He rose his brows in question and Ezra had no reply. "See? The God's simply don't like me, now, I only came here to say good-bye." he swallowed. "I was thinking that mabye I should go, and forever,"

"Troye, think about this. "I felt hot and uncomfortable." You aren't thinking straight. "I then wished that William was here, he could help convince him to hold on because we were failing and it was clear in his eyes.

I looked to Ezra who rose his head with confidence, a sudden air of peace radiated from him. I watched as he seemed to get taller and then before us, the air shimmered.

"We can find a way, "Ezra said with authority, head lowered with submission and I looked to the oack to see them doing the same but with confusion and Troye seemed to hesitate, his hand shaking. The air seemes to buzz as golden light flooded our eyes and then mid-air, a book appeared, it was covered by silver fur and had a padlock but where the key would go, there was a semi-circle.

"How-How did...that shouldn't be here, "Troy said shakily staring at rhe unfamiliar book. Ezra held on his hands and the book levitated, leaving black smoke in its wake and electricity crackling around it. Ezra held it in his hands with flinching." It accepts you? "Troye asked in shock.

"Do you still want to go?"

The end!! Look out for the next book which continues Cody and Ezra's journey but with more emphasis on William and Troye's emphasis, more POV's in the next one, haven't decided on a title.


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