CHAPTER 2 : Caught

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Aunt Mia watched me curiously when I entered the house. My heart was still rapidly pumping in my chest, blood was rushing to my head, I was surprisingly energised. I smiled sheepishly and she rose one eye brow at me. I had decided to run home, obviously. I didn't want to take the risk of running into another wolf, I was certain that if I did, it wouldn't be a nice one.

"So, get any good inspiration? "She asked and I gave a nod.

"Yep." I said and she nodded, sensing my obvious need to bolt for my room. I wanted nothing more than to run up the stairs and draw the gorgeous wolf I had seen earlier, while the memory was still fresh.

"Well, I can tel you really want to leave so, dinner will be ready in an hour. "She said and turned towards the counter, crouching to retrieve a pot. Silently, I thanked her.

"Ok." I said and headed upstairs to the room which was now mine. I threw the bag onto my bed as I closed the door. It wasn't huge but it was perfect for me. I still had to pack and organise everything, but that could wait. I got out the drawing pad and a pencil. I went over to the writing desk by the window and sat down. My hand seemed to grow a mind of its own as I was lost in the lines which formed the wolf.

My mind raced back to seeing him emerge from the trees and into view. I added colour to the picture which was him among the trees, looking majestic and gorgeous as ever. My lip twitched as I grabbed another paper and began to draw him when he was down on his belly. I lost track of time because soon after the third drawing my cousin was standing over me. I jumped.

"Shit!" I cursed as y hand flew over to my chest. He took a step back and blinked, his head swaying unnoticeably in a nod as his lips drew into his mouth. "So you knock?" I asked him and he smiled.

"I did, eight times. Dinners ready, thought to let you know, but seems your little wolf friend is more important. "He said all in a rush, at times like these it was hard to believe he was eighteen. I nodded slowly, pretending to have heard everything he said." By the way, "he said slowly," you talk when you draw. You should get that checked out, it could be infected. "I furrowed my brows as he stepped back, eyeing my hand. I looked to find it with a small cut, I rolled my eyes, had I mentioned, he was health conscious.

"Thanks, I'll be down in a minute, Troye." I said and he grinned and stood there. I stood up.

"You know, you're very good. "He complimented while I got a bandaid from my bag.

"Thank you," I blushed and looked up as he held the first drawing of the wolf, his expression was guarded and curious. "Hey, uh, have you ever seen...wolves, in these woods?" I asked him. He turned to me.

"No, "He said to fast for my own liking." Why? You want to track this little guy down? "He teased, holding up my masterpiece and I rolled my eyes.

"Boys? Dinner is getting cold, get your skinny asses down here!" I smiled at the sound of Aunt Mia calling for us.

"Coming, mommy. "Troye said with s slight squeak. I raised a brow at him.

"You still call her mommy?" I asked as we went down stairs.

"Shut up. "He whined and I laughed as we reached the table. Mia scowled playfully at us.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you too were gossiping about your latest boyfriends." I watched as Troye flushed at his mother's words. I chuckled.

"Sorry to say, Mia, but I've never even had my first kiss. "I admitted and she gapped.

"No way!" She said in a mean girls kind of way. We held hands as she said prayer before we begsn to eat the lasagne.

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