11- Those people

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I am going to abruptly cut the fan edition short for one reason- Josnifffles wants to VENT! And post a full special update at the end too.

That awkward moment when you don't know how to continue a Wattpad book without being awkward.

That awkward moment when you see that 1.15 k people have read your book but only 186 people have voted. Who do you think you are anyway? 👿I would rather have a hate comment to JUSTIFY 😒why in the world you didn't vote rather than having pull my hair out when I go to the demographics setting of Wattpad go dooooowwwwwnnnn. 😖Did I all of a sudden become BORING TO YOU PEOPLE! DID I ? 😡

I must calm down, and not be one of those Wattpad writers who would stoop to the low point of using alien terms such as lol, or rotfl, or are you kidding me? When did society decide to stoop so low that slang was not underlined by red or autocorrected?

Anyways, it's only been 170 words in and I'm already off topic.

That again was NOT what this post is about. Wow, I really am becoming boring.

No comment.

And I am... Forgot what I was saying there.

Can we switch the topic?

Sometimes you get ignored and dumped by the people you care about. And I'm just like, " If I opened a can of glitter and dumped it in your eyes maybe you'd finally notice what you're missing out on b****!"

I technically typed that last part, I did not say it, so I really cannot be held accountable for any of the things I type on Wattpad unless you hear it coming from my own mouth in person.

Except I don't actually say that, I rant to myself mentally and to the people on Wattpad. That doesn't make it any less significant.

School is becoming... Bwah.... Bwhoo. Bwooowee... Boringgggg!

* pants then slaps hand over mouth

There I said it. Every class drags on and on and on. Is this what it's like to be a teenager/ almost nearly there teenager? Because it's sucks.

I hate those people who I have to work with on group projects. Unless I'm in charge.

For heavens sake I almost fried my vocal cords arguing with Elise in Digital Apps 1.0 because she wanted to put our make-believe restaurant that we had to make up in San Fransisco and I wanted to put it in Traverse City.

Now don't get me wrong, I love Elise to death and she is one great Dr. Who geek of an angel but as soon as I went to work with her, I wanted to claw her eyes out.

It is actually statistically proven that friends who work together don't stay friends more than 50% of the time. Boom!

Anyways, I am not going to give you wide-eyed Wattpad readers any details any details because I plan on making an investment in that restaurant when I am older and don't want to have to sue your pants off after graduating from Harvard with multiple degrees in law and political sciences. Seriously, let's just save us both the trouble.

Do teachers want to kill us? Can't they assign partners like in the ancient times? Or assign jobs. Even in the corporate world, when using teamwork, titles and jobs are effing DESIGNATED and what a person is expected to do is carefully listed in the contract or listed by a respected CEO!

This isn't a NBA sports team! For crying out loud! Americans these days are so god darn stubborn that they can't even see straight.

This country's core values shouldn't HAVE to be repeated.

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