14- A real entry for once

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If you guys are still reading this, in hopes that I have not died and fallen off the face of Wattpad, thank you. The reason I haven't been writing lately is because of a bunch of band stuff. And the holidays. And then band festivals. And then we have midterms coming up.


I am speaking to you as second chair of the seventh grade flute section. *Bows for applause. I would be challenging Annie for her chair but as you may know, I damaged my flute, and it's gonna take all break to fix. So I can't do that.


Anyways, a certain someone had put the head joint and footnoting of her flute together and figured out how to play hot cross buns with just those two parts of my flute. And then, in front of the entire band, the head joint fell out and got dented. Like really bad.

Luckily, Annie, being the goddess of the flute world that she is, was able to shape it with her cleaning stick so I could still play for the band concert, but the sound is kinda... Horrible.

And I kind of owe Annie my life for saving Olivia. Olivia is my flute by the way. If you were wondering.

So I kind of fell into a slump for a bit and cried because of the horrible tragedy, I haven't learnt anything from the experience.

On a side note, my sister is getting a head start and is tarting to play the freak object that is the clarinet so that she'll get an advantage over her peers. I on the other hand, started to learn music at the tender age of eleven.

Anyways, nothing interesting is happening. At all. I have been working on my trilogy and contacted a publisher again. If you guys know anything about Camelot or like humor and awesomeness, I advise you to check it out.

I have updated today because I may have accidentally gone on a hiatus and felt sorry for ya guys. But I will not be updating again until my book Lancelot's Legacy gets 200 votes.

Still haven't hit puberty. What is happening in my life?

What I got for Christmas-
2 Pentatonix CDs🖖🏽
Girl's a Doodle Book ✍🏽
Chocolate vanilla wafers🍫
Avengers 2016 calendar 🤓
Kristina Webb's Book 🤗
2 Ornaments🤐
2 eos lip balms🙂
Painting set 👑
Light up mini tree 🎄
Ravenclaw t shirt🐲
And a SNAPCHAT ACCOUNT (pm me for da deets) 🐵

Anyways, I have an art book check dat out.
Feedback appreciated. I have started shipping my characters, and I have the power to put them together, but alas, I must let love take it's course. I based some characters off of people ya may know.

Nel- Me
Ford Tanner- Kumaran
Max Underwood- Alex
Felix Oliver- Allison
Jade Garcia- Rachel
Lee Anne McCarthy- Sarina and Ridaa (ya don't know them meh)


I promise guys, I am trying to find something in my life that is interesting to write about but I'm coming at a blank.

If you go to my school- Comment on who I should introduce and I will post a second part to this as soon as school starts


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