33- My Hogwarts Sorting

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Harry Potter and I- what more could you want in a Wattpad chapter? Hey, guys! Recently I was watching Joey Graceffa's videos when I came across one where he got sorted into a Hogwarts and Ilvernorny house, and that is exactly what I plan on doing today.

I am not doing an Ilvernorny sorting since that would take too long, but I am sure these questions and my unnecessary commentary will be good enough for on chapter today.

If you've been attentive throughout this book, or you know me in real life, or you're not a total dumbass, you would know that I am a Ravenclaw, and I spend much of my spare time sorting my peers and any innocent bystanders near me into their houses. So I am basically the equivalent of a hat that looks like the poop emoji 💩

Now, I certainly don't mind being a Ravenclaw- it is being better than a Gryffindor since everyone seems to be a Gryffindor anyways. But what really makes me mad is when people try to identify themselves as somebody their not.

For example, ( I'm not suggesting anyone in particular but secretly am suggesting someone subconsciously) a girl could totally say" OMG! Guys, I'm a Ravenclaw" when they are obviously a Slytherin. When I try to reason with them, they say- "Oh, Josniffles! But I got sorted into Ravenclaw on Pottermore! And I have all of the Ravenclaw merchandise!"

To hell with the merchandise! (don't get me wrong, I want all your merchandise, but I am trying to make a point here) Having a stuffed eagle and your walls recreating the common room does not make you a Ravenclaw! I'm sure the actual sorting hat wouldn't give two shits about all of your merch when it's placed on your head during sorting! If you think a set of 20 questions determines the kind of person you are and the person you will be, or could possibly recreate the magical function of an enchanted, songwriting, hat- then you are not the kind of person that I would be proud to be a housemate with!

Whoops, that wasn't as light-hearted as I would have preferred it to be. Anyways, the purpose of that mini-rant is to reinforce the point that whatever result I get on this test will not affect my personal identification in any way, because I would never simplify my personality down to a set of questions.

Or one of those people that supposedly identify as a "Gryffinpuff" or a "Slythindor".How the hell does that work- do you wear ties with both colors incorporated in them at Hogwarts? Do you sleep in the dormitory of one house and have lunch at the table of another in the Great Hall?

Another reason my house identification is a sore subject is the reaction I get when I tell people my house for the first time. I can't describe the look on their faces when I hesitantly tell them which house I'm in. I end up feeling foolish because of the reaction.

"Oh, that's nice" was one of the more recent ones but I've also gotten a few "really" responses as well. But most of the reaction happens in their facial expressions and I especially hate it when they ask me what the traits of the house are. I realize I don't have the best grades, and I act like I'm stupid, but can you at least cut me some slack? As a person who came to school once with their eyebrows painted white once, I'm not afraid to be ridiculed, but I get a bit more than butthurt when people call me ignorant.

I could just say I'm a Gryffindor... haha that was funny

I could go on and on about those subjects, but we have a test to get to don't we? I found a mock test online because I'm too lazy to create a Pottermore account for myself, but this apparently has all of the possible questions you could have on any version of the Pottermore Hogwarts Sorting test so this will do.

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