23- ENTJ

45 9 4

So hudanoor07 wrote this book called INTP, where she talks about her Myer's Brigg's or Briggs or Meijer Brigg personality type or something. I thought thay was pretty cool, and she suggested that I try it out, since it only took 10 min.

I've got 10 minutes, so I opened my computer after finishing my homework and I said to myself thoughtfullly, "Let's try this shït and see where it takes me".

So here (above) is what I got apparently
E- extrovert-action oriented, out going
N- intuitive - Imaginative, future oriented, and other things that make me better than you
T- Thinking- Logical, reasonable, level headed
J- Judging-Organised, systematic

This chapter is going to be about me talking about myself, which is obviously nothing out of the ordinary when you think about all the other things I've posted on Wattpad, so if you think you don't want to read this, exit to your right, don't forget to take your shoes, and leave a vote.

* winky face

But guys, I'm not talking about just mehself today, I'm talking about Bill Gates and Adele, because they're ENTJs too.

*door creaks open as I open the door to my mother's room of doom

"Did you hear that mother? I'm Bill Gates", I whisper hopefully, wishing wistfully that she knew who Adele was, "Are you finally proud?"

A face lit up by a computer screen filled with spread sheets slithers out of the darkness, "Come back when you have a degree in medicine and not a stupid career in music", she hissed spitefully.

*closes door carefully


We have a very healthy relationship.

I have actually taken seperate personality quizzes, and I'm actually an ambivert, but this may have come up because I may have unconsciously portrayed myself and my social life differently than what they actually are.

I find it easy to have a conversation with a person I've never met in real life before, unless that person is Emma Watson, JK Rowling, or Daniel Radcliffe of course but that's completely irrelevant.

I can talk to people easily, if they are willing to engage in the conversation as well. I'm not talking about introverts, because they actually have a lot of interesting things to say, but people who show all signs of rejecting social interaction (a.k.a. me during Wattpad marathons)

For example, a couple days ago, in my Life Skills class, we were learning how to do the basics on a sewing machine. Our teacher took the liberty of explaining what we were supposed to do and then dismissed us to leave our seats and head towards the sewing machine.

I picked a nice peice of green felt to do the job on, and had found myself entranced by the fluffiness of it all, so I was rubbing it against my cheek, not paying attention to where I was walking, resulting in me tripping over the chord of one of the sewing machines.

The chord was yanked out of the outlet in the floor, but thankfully the sewing machine didn't fall over. I got up, plugged it back in, and apologized again and again to the girl who was sitting near it, who had brought in her own fancy schmancy sewing machine.

This girl (I won't use any names because I didn't know her name) was an eighth grader, so obviously she thought that she was better than me. I was laughing and making fun of my own clumsiness as a discussion opener and I tried to introduce myself. I had gotten so used to the regular pattern of me meeting people my age:

Step One Be an awkward and complete mess (easy enough)

Step Two lame jokes

Step Three introducing myself

Step Four bonding over my stupidy

Step Five becoming best friends! (A tad more difficult)

This bî***, (this means I'm reaaaaallllllly mad, because I use that word sparingly compared to others), didn't say anything to me, but continued to look at me, so I thought she hadn't heard me. Being the dumbass I am, I decided to reitterate and introduced mehself again, and then a third time because I am nice and friendly.

Still no response. At this point I didn't know what to do, simce people from my family aren't used to rejection. So I stood there with my green felt like a constipated cow, and just stared back at her.

She apparently had this friend of hers who walked by, and gave her this look, you know the one, and the girl I had trying to talk to rolled her eyes at me. She didn't just roll her eyes, cause this bî*** here glanced at me before rolling her eyes!

The world really does need bî*** repellent.

So I limped back to my sewing machine with a red chord burn on my ankle, and a very, very injured ego.

Anyways, coming back to my ambivertness, this kind of means I am an extroverted introvert, or an introverted extrovert. So after doing all the partying, and ratchett things a girl like me does, my energy is completely drained from being around so many people.

* You geeeeeettttttt thhhhhhheee bbbbeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesst of both worlds, chilling out take it slow, then you rockkk ooooooutttttttt the show! 

I have a feeling that Hannah Montanah was an ambivert too.


personally,this last part just merges together for me, because they all sound like the same traits, phrased differently.

Intutive, Thinking, Judjing

I get the Thinking over feeling part, because some people tend to give more attention to feelings over logic or vice versa, but the rest kind of doesn't make sense to me.

Short updates during school weeks give me life, but this was actually a bit above 1000 words! I'm working on lots if new things for you guys, and I'm putting lots of effort to make them as funny, entertaining, and memorable as possible, which is hard because I feel I'm recycling the same old jokes.


make that viral

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