35- Backpack Backpack

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I am going back to school September 6th. I don't know how to feel- dread, excitement, whatever. I feel like I was very unproductive this summer- but I (probably) got more done than a lot of people combined.

Let's see-

16 novels (and counting read)

2 summer reading programs participated in

an infinite number of hours practicing the flute

4 meetups with my friends individually (1 with Olivia, 3 with Taniyah)

1 coolish, hippish, summerish birthday party (Thanks for the social support Molli)

5 Instagram posts

79 sighs of dread

197 cries of anguish

7 failed cat eye attempts

7 school related camps/ activities


Comment your summer statistics man. I mean, I used to get all excited about school because even though everyone thought I was annoying as hell back in elementary school (some probably tink I still am) but a lot of the people that hated me back then are friends with me now, like Annie or Sarina.

But I was one of the "smart kids" back then, and combined with my half decent art skills, I thought I was the shit. Should have known that having your times tables memorized in kindergarten only took you so far before you drowned in the bottomless pit of the math you'll actually never use unless you're planning on becoming a genius noble prize winner, mathematician, scientist, or even an eighth-grade algebra teacher- and I don't know about you, but my life certainly isn't headed towards that direction.

When you reach middle school, all of a sudden you're submerged into a larger pool of people, and then you realize that you're not the shit. There are so many people, talented people- with so many talents. I used to be the "artsy one" back at elementary school but I'm not really an "artists", just someone who draws well. If that makes absolutely no sense.

During the school year I always had to wait afterschool for an hour since my mom works a bit far away, and Olivia came back because she had forgetten something in her locker, so I ended up walking with her and saw her unload her locker. The point of this story is that she took out this beautiful lined drawing and she told me that it was nothing. I mean, up to that point I'm not sure if I was even aware that she was taking art . Or that she was so talented- it's just that I try to rub it in everyone's face and she doesn't.

 Or  that she was so talented- it's just that I try to rub it in everyone's face and she doesn't

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And if she was being honest- Olivia's probably capable of even more powerful witchcraft... Guy's- this means Olivia was the real threat all along! Olivia will be the end of us all! Olivia's going to be the leader of the Oliv-i-apocalyptic world where everyone is only allowed to own cats and has to eat cheescake-flavored candy! She would probably also make conspiracy theory a manditory course in the reinvented curriculum.

But in all seriousness, (hehe) I'm going to try and be relatable, while not making the same old recycled jokes about diy school supplies tutorials, or summer "glo ups" and what not.

I can't be the only one who absolutely HATEs back-to-school shopping- and it's not even about going back to school- I'm not one to openly complain about going to school because the stress kind of powers me in a disturbing kind of way. It's my IdIAN MOther (let's call her Sharon)

Sharon, is constantly just complaining about how she never spent THIS much money on school supply shopping and how I should be like my sister who spent twenty dollars less than me and how SHE NEVER had a hundred-dollar Texas Instruments calculator on my required list for Algebra students (one of the advanced classes).

Exactly why do we need that? And what is a glo up? People just jump into the swing of things and expect the first day of school to be the most important day of school. The only "glo up" I experienced this summer was gaining a couple inches and getting oilier skin; which can certainly be interpreted a s a "glo" of sorts but it wasn't exactly the kind I was aiming for.

If you remember- Hermione and Farkle had thier glo-ups during the middle of the year/ the end of the year margin so I will be saving my inner hot girl for the future. I read that over and feel so stupid.

I bet I'm probably going to be late on the first day of school- being the asshat I am. I actually was tardy for the first hour (we don't call them period) of an overwhelming majority of the last two quarters of the school year because my dumbass keeps falling asleep while under the warm, steamy influence of the shower water at seven in the morning.

And I know some people are thinking that I could just shower at night- but that is absolutely not possible, becuase at the end of the year you start to relize how unproductive you were and panic at the inevetable world that is highschool. Then you start panicking about the future and sign up for as many activites for the upcoming school year as possible. And then you find yourself crammed for everyday of the school week.

"I'm stressed about the stress about the stress I will have during the school year. I love the education system" - [Tumblr]

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