12- Maybe... Not

111 13 12

October 3, 2015  afternoon in the residence you would have seen this-

I danced around the living room like I was the highlight Broadway, "I shall sequester myself in a cardboard box, to avoid-" I threw myself over the leather cushions of the couch to get a Shakira-style vibrato effect "the influx of problems coming my way!" " I stretched out the last syllable of my song.
And that people, is how you practice your vocabulary words.
Ten points to RavenClaw! Screw you MUGGLES!
Maybe... Not
3.5 hours of flute practice.
2hours on Wattpad.
11 hours sleeping after being an unofficial vampire on the weekdays
30 minutes mini-binging on PBS Kids with baby carrots and peanut butter
1 hour tracking people on Instagram
2 hours showering and drying my hair (I do this once a week)
2 hours Homework and studying

On. The. Clock.

🙎🏾Okay then 🐪🐖🐕🐫🐷🐩🐺🐻🐼🐵🙉🙊🐒🙈🐉🐍🐢🐲🐊🐸
Are we ready for an actual diary entry! YAAAASSSSSS YOOOOUUUU ARRREEEEE!
This entry will be less non stop rambling, and more action.
Flirty? Maybe a tad bipolar. Will murder to get first chair? FLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTEE!
It definitely be more band centered as well-

October 6, 2015

I walked into the cafeteria, rubbing the eye booger residue from this morning out of my eyes. I plopped down at a table, eyeing the clock warily.
7:44 pm
School would start at 8:10, I mentally calculated. Allison doesn't come until 8:00 so until then I have virtually nothing to do. I slapped a passive look on my face and took out my school iPad, tapping the Wattpad icon. I refreshed my notifications section. Nothing.
Humph. They don't know what they're missing out on anyways. Bow down to me pheasants! I like you people, when I take over the world, your deaths shall be quick and painless. Unless you're a republican of course. Then it's a whole different ball game...
A table at opposite corner of the cafeteria erupted with laughter. I grunted in annoyance. Quite you ignorant mortals! Catch the terrible PJO reference there? Eh? Eh?
* elbows awkwardly at you from the side but ends up jabbing you in the stomach


I wondered how I looked, an awkward girl sitting by herself in the gym, in a secluded corner of the gym bleachers in a floral printed dress and plain cardigan with two dark braided and glasses, eyes locked on the game while dreaming up slogans for the posters I was never making for the next home game.

A cheer went through the crowd, as well as a loud blaring sound signaling the next quarter. I watched our school's black and white jerseys move up and down the court, lit up by the bright gym lights across the new gym floor with the school mascot painted on it, with "Smith Knights" Written in regal black and gold letters.

I saw Rachel and Elise on the side, rushing out of the gym to cheer practice in the cafeteria. Now that was a whole other story. I can't possibly imagine spending hours upon hours building up enthusiasm. I can imagine doing lay ups for hours, but can't even imagine putting my body at risk in someone else's hands. Is I die, I don't want to do it cheering for sports... Bleach. I mean Blech, but bleach as well. Besides, I'm to cute to be a cheerleader, that's why I'm in band. Those skirts are way too short for my liking.

On most occasions, I try not to get my hopes up, or imagine scenes in my my head or try out the possible outcomes of something in my mind, because I am always constantly disappointed, but this was exactly how I had played it out in my mind. I stood up and cheered when the final score blinked in red on the scoreboard- 33-6. Now that, is domination. Sure, I didn't have black and yellow war paint smeared across my face or a foam finger, but this was almost even better than my expectations.

If I was a teacher-

"Ok students, I've rearranged your seating charts because I've started shipping you guys".


So I was walking around the neighborhood the other day and took my bike out to the less crowded side when I hit a huge crack in the road, causing me to skin my knee.

Noting the fact that my knee was bleeding and I hadn't exercised so intensely like this in a millennia, I stood my bike and limped home. Right before I rounded the corner, I saw a guy out front of his house, arm slung over a rake with an unlit cigarette in between his teeth and a lighter in his hand.

Seriously, dry leaves in a cigarette lighter? I mentally criticized him as I limped on. Keep in mind that this all occurred at the brisk beginnings of evening , the lights in the houses in the suburban neighborhood flickering on, the kitchens and dinning rooms starting to light up.

He pulled off a mitten to get a better grip and, I don't care if you believe me or not
When he clicked it, all of the lights went out on the street, the street lights, the chandeliers in the upper levels of the homes, the lights that created silhouettes of happy dinners, all off. A couple cries of protest sounded from the houses, the people rushing for flashlight, the Sunday evening festivities ruined.

Thinking this was a power outage, I grunted in annoyance and proceeded home to what I thought would be my panicking family on the other side of the neighborhood. But by peeking in between the houses, I could see families merrily setting up tacky scare crows and carving pumpkins inside the homes. It was just this street.

I whipped my head back at the stranger, who lifted his finger off the lighter, causing the street to flicker back to life. I stared straight at the stranger with the rake, pale-faced through the reflectors of a nearby car, and trust me, being a brown girl, that ain't easy to do.

He dropped the rake, turned on his heel, and bolted, shouting, "Haha, ignorant muggles!" I swear, that was either the greatest pre-Halloween prank in history, or Hogwarts is real.

I can't wait to get my letter. Oh right, September 1st already passed.
It probably got lost in the mail.
I'm coming for you Dumbledore!
October 13, 2015
"Kira, what do you do when someone is trying to kill you?"

"Duh, you kill them first!"
Wise words Kira. Wise words. Maybe..Not. Cause you're dealing with Rachel of Course,

I think I'll just hide in the library for the rest of eternity. Rachel would never go in there.

Thanks to you ungrateful readers, Rachel is after me.  The #Rachuran ship is sinking people and you better deal with it! She is dating for cripe's sake! Common sense! Stop shipping them or else I will not have complete possession of all four limbs. And I would like to keep them to myself thank you very much.
Also, clarification: ALEX AND I ARE NOT BEST FRIENDS! We don't even Talk anymore! And I honestly DONT CARE! And to seal the deal, I shall play a literary montage of today's happenings to prove my point.

But I'm to lazy.

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