Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

                I park the car in the driveway and turn off the ignition. I lay my head against the headrest of the seat. My cheeks felt warm to the touch but I told myself it was because of the anger I felt building up inside me.










                He saw my bra and all he could say was he loved the color red. Sure, he meant it as a compliment but I still can’t believe it. I should be use to this by now but I’m not. I can’t get used to this. I have this nagging feeling that’s telling me that it’s all going to end soon. I don’t know how but it’s going to end.

                And I’ll be in the same place as before. On the ground, watching everyone achieve happiness while I sit alone. No one’s going to sit by me and watch with me. I’ll be alone. I shook my head.

                For Casey, even though lately she’s been a cranky bitch. She should calm down, she should know by now that I’m not doing this to hurt her. I’m doing this for her, I’m helping.

                You’re meddling.

                My fist clench. Darn it! It’s that voice, again! Seriously, who is it? It’s beginning to get annoying. How else would I feel when a voice is telling me what I’m doing even though I’m not?

                I got out of the car, heading to the front door.

                It’s not call meddling if it’s my sister!

                Before I could push the door open, it swung open itself. Like literally, the door open and I was standing there, paralyze… until Casey stood there. I raise my hand to my heart, letting it beat a mile per minute.

                “Casey” I sighed. “What are you doing still awake? Don’t we have school tomorrow?”

                She smiled while shrugging. “Yeah, I know but I decided to stay awake in case Robin came downstairs and saw me and no you”.

                I nodded, understanding. “Of course”. I look down, heading to the kitchen. “Did Robin wake up?”

                Casey shook her head as she follows me. “No, nothing”.

                “Hmm, odd” I said, opening the fridge and taking out strawberries.

                “What?” Casey asks, trying not to be obvious that she’s curious.

                I set the strawberries on the counter, gazing at her. “I never gotten this far, usually Robin wakes up and all hell breaks loose and it ends with me being grounded”.

                Casey thought about this, before grinning. “You’re right, that’s what usually happens. Maybe you’re just getting good at this”.

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