Chapter Six

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After the little chat me and Casey had, Robin had call us downstairs. Of course, me being myself and not in the mood to be in the same room with Casey after the feelings I went through. Sure, the feelings were gone but who's to know they won't come back? 

They were impure feelings, ones I hope I will not be feeling any time soon. But, Robin being my sister and all, having to do with same blood and same parents, she storm into my room. She look at me as I lay curl up on my bed, arms wrap around my stomach as if I'm pregnant. 

Something must have flash across my face because Robin face soften. She sat at the edge of my bed. "Macy, what happen?"

Those words rang through my body as I try to figure it out. What happen? "I don't know".

What happen? 

It should've been a easy question to answer since it's me, we're talking about but I couldn't. I don't know the anwer.

I don't know what happen!

I could say it in my mind but I couldn't bring myself to say it aloud. I was confused and something else. A feeling I never felt before. It can't be love because it's too dark, too haunting. I imagine love having more of a light feeling, not one that could possibly drive me jump off a cliff. I lay in there as Robin brush my hair and smooth it out.

"I need you come downstairs" Robin said.

"I know" I whispered. "But I can't. I can't get up and I can't face her, not yet".

Robin sigh. "Macy, I don't understand what your saying. Who is it you can't face yet?"

I shut my eyes as I roll over, facing the ceiling. "Casey. I can't face Casey. Something- I don't know what- is stopping me".

"I'm sure whatever you did, Casey will forgive" Robin said. 

What is this feeling?

"There's no need to wallow in your guilt, alone" Robin contiune on. "Casey has her bad side but she also has a forgiving side. Remember, she forgave you for kissing Darren?"

I cover my face with my hands. "Dammit, I forgot to tell you; I didn't tell her".

Silence fill the room. Robing stop brushing out my hand with her fingers. "You didn't tell her?"

I could only nod.

"What the hell, Macy? She's your sister, she deserves to know that you kiss her boyfriend!"

"I didn't kiss him!" I blurted. "He thought I was Casey, that's why I wanted to dyed my hair". By now, I was sitting up and Robin stood over me.

Robin didn't say much. "What your doing is wrong, Macy. You have to tell her".

"I can't tell her, Darren made me promise I wouldn't".

Robin snorted. "So, now you two are partners in crime. This explains everything".

I stared at her, confused. What?

"This is why you and Darren are no longer friends, because of that kiss, right?" Robin guessed. "I'm not going to tell you what you should do because I think you already know what you need to do. Better go with the truth or guilt will swallow you whole".

Robin left the room but I knew she still wanted me downstairs. I got up and look in the mirror. Funny thing is, I'm not crying. I could never express my feelings correctly.

Downstairs, I could giggling. Casey sat on the couch with Darren. Casey smiled when she saw me."I was wondering when you were coming out" Casey said, but in her eyes, she's mad.

I sigh. "What can I say?"

"You could apologize to Darren, he's been waiting for you patiently though I don't know why". Casey look at Darren who merely gave her a small smile. 

Darren grab Casey's hand. "I have something to tell you".

Oh, goodie, I'm about to witness a love confession. How exciting! I lean against the armrest of the couch, waiting for the four words.

"I should have told you this a long time ago" Darren began. He lick his lips, nervously. Casey said nothing. Her mouth was parted open. From where I'm at, it looks like Casey wanted to protest but couldn't bring herself to do it. Her eyes would flicker to me as if she wanted me to ruin the moment. 

I only smiled at her. I gave her a thumbs up, telling her I approve of this confession. I'm not in the mood to be destroying people's lives....yet.

"I kissed Macy!" is what came out of that bastard's mouth. Trust me, I wasn't expecting it, I actually pinched myself in hopes that maybe it was a nightmare. It happen so slow. Casey pull her hand away from Darren's.

She stood up and waited.

She raised her head and let out a screamed.

Robin thought it was a robber but when she saw us three, she back herself in the kitchen, looking guilty. I'll let her feel that way for a while, let her think it was her fault. I was distracted, watching Robin leaving that I didn't notice that Casey had step in front of Darren.

She slap him across the face.

I only shook my head. What an idiot. You might want to go back and reread what he said because I heard him say "I kiss Macy!"

I didn't hear anything else. He took the blamed. He's the one that did this to himself. He should've rephrase it. Like, "Macy and I kiss but it was an accident!"

That way, the blame was place on both of us. It'll be much easier. Casey chase Darren out with a pillow. He ran away from a pillow! Someone tell me how mess up that is! A pillow!

What a chicken! Or so I thought. 

Casey threw the pillow at me and I saw stars. I found myself, bend over, holding my hand to my head as it spin. That's one hell of a throw! I stare at Casey, giving her Oh-hell-no-you-didn't!

She didn't even look scared. That's  a huge blow to my ego. I live to scare people. This is just plain wrong. Who knew there will be day where a person is no longer able to scare her sister! I knew 2012 was just around the corner.

"Is everything all right?"

I turn around to see Robin standing there. I pick up the pillow and threw it at her. "This is all your fault".

And like that, I ran upstairs after Casey. I open the door, staring down at Casey. She was on the floor, on her knees.

"What have I done?" she whispered. She looks at me, tears falling her cheeks. She covers her face. "Why? Why would he tell me this?"

Maybe because he's your boyfriend but that's just my opinion.

"Why would he kiss you? You're nothing! Why? Why would Kale kiss you? He loves me! He loves me!"

"Why won't he love me?"

And thus, her true feelings spill out. To think, I was the one feeling guilty. This chick just brings it to a whole new level.

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