~ Luke's POV ~
"Hello?" I pick up the vibrating phone sitting next to me on the couch.
"Luke! Hi," I hear the sweet voice talk from the other end.
"Cause this is thriller! Thriller night!" Calum walks into the room, belting out the lyrics to thriller while poorly attempting to do the dance to it.
"Hold on for sec," I mumble into the phone, annoyed that I can't hear her.
I turn to Calum, "Dammit Calum, would you shut the fuck up for a second."
"And no ones gonna save you from the beast about to strike!" He smirks, knowing what he's doing is bugging me. And let's be honest, I wouldn't mind it for a few minutes, but a few hours may be a little too long, even if it is Halloween.
I grab the pillow next to me and chuck it at him, but with quick reflexes, he catches it. He smugly smiles at me, walking over and sacking me in the head.
"Fuck off man, don't you have some hair to gel or something," I laugh, actually kind of finding this amusing. It's even funnier because he's just in plaid boxers.
"At least tell Alice I say hi," he laughs before walking off.
Shit. Al.
"Shit, sorry. I forgot you were on the line," I awkwardly chuckle, but I find myself relieved when I hear her giggle as well.
"Why are you crushing the spirit of Halloween. Hmm Luke?" She jokingly asks, and I roll my eyes, even though I know she can't see me.
"Ok, well if he was singing it at your place for 5 hours straight, you'd be pretty annoyed too." Actually, she'd probably be singing along with calum, let's be honest. This girl can't deny a good Halloween classic.
"Oh cmon, I'd be singing along with him." Nailed it.
"So what's up?" I smile, shaking my head. I could picture her, walking around the house, joking around and singing, but her voice actually sounds heavenly. And she'd be getting me to sing along too, and I totally would because who can deny her cute self?? Fuck, what are we talking about?
"I was wondering what time I should pick up you and Cal?" She asks and my heart sinks. Shit.
"Oh, um," I mumble, trying hard to find the correct words to say. I can't just tell her Emily is taking us? It'd crush her. "You don't need to do that."
There was a brief moment of silence before she spoke up in confusion, "you sure?"
"Positive," you just gotta sound confident, "we have to run to the store to grab a few things. But we can meet you there. Plus, this gives you like another hour to be lazy before you have to actually get ready."
Again, a pause of silence. "Very true. Ok, I'll see you guys then!" She says cheerfully.
I sigh in relief, "bye, Al." Saying her name just gives me butterflies. Damn I'm in it for this girl. Too bad I'm a giant dick.
"Bye Luke!" She says before ending the call. I throw my phone down, sighing in frustration.
Why can't I be the guy that just says no to someone? IS IT THAT HARD TO SAY NO LUKE. Fuck.Let's just hope she doesn't see us arriving together to the party, otherwise I'm fucked
**"You guys need any help?" Emily asks as she hops out of the car. I don't even believe she meant it.
"No, we got it," I hear Calum say and you could just tell that he was annoyed. I grab a bag from the back seat and shut the door, locking it.

Second Chance || Luke Hemmings
Fanfiction"Alice Mae, I love you with all my heart, body, and soul. All I'm asking is for you to give us another chance, please."