{this is still the same day that Ashton came home js}
"Who wants Chinese food tonight?" I ask, having a hankering for it.
"That sounds bomb actually," Michael comments, popping out of no where. I laugh and shake my head, typical.
"Ash, you wanna order it, pleeeeeease," I look over at him, as he's snuggled up with Janelle.
He just stares at me, and I stare at him, our usual 'whoever cracks first has to do it.' Man, I've missed this, only because I always (usually) win and he ends up having to do everything for me.
Sure he probably gives in on purpose, but oh well.
He finally blinks, breaking contact and sighs, "fine."
"Thank you," I say to him in a sweet voice but he just shakes his head walks away to our phone, but I saw that smile on his face.
"So, how did you and Ashton happen?" I look over to Janelle, and everyone's attention turns to her too.
"Well, long story short, we met at a coffee shop. It was empty that day and I may have taken a little extra time on his drink so we could talk," she says, and an undeniable smile appeared on her face, "and then we hung out and stuff, blah, blah, blah, and he finally worked up the guts to ask me to be his girlfriend in February."
"That's cute," I smile, but man, I wasn't really feeling it. Never told me once, thanks Ashton.
I mean, I know I shouldn't be upset about it, yeah it's pointless. But me and Ashton were like this *crosses fingers* and now he suddenly "forgets" to mention he has a girlfriend in the past 6 months. I mean, I'm just a tad bit upset that he didn't tell me.
Michael decides it upon himself to stretch out across the couch, laying his head on my lap and feet over Luke's lap, getting himself comfy.
"So, how long have you and Michael been together?" She asks me, a sweet smile on her face.
Not even for a second could him and I contain our laughter.
According to Michael, it was so funny that he decided to fall off the couch and started laughing on the ground, I took it upon myself to attempt and mess with him.
"Hey," I say, frowning at him.
He stops rolling around and sits up, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye, but then gets really confused when he doesn't see me laughing.
Now, Calum and Luke caught on, but Janelle and Michael haven't quite.
"You wouldn't go out with me?" I frown over at him, and you could see a flush of panic run through his face.
"Al, I-I didn't mean-," he stuttered, and now it was my turn to laugh, which is exactly what I did.
"I'm just messing with ya, man," I laugh and he face palms, can't believing he fell for it.
"No, but seriously, Michael and I aren't a thing. He's literally a brother to me," I look over to Janelle, who's just sitting there awkwardly, trying to figure out what just happened.
"Oh, well Ashton told me you were dating someone?" She asks me, holding her breath hoping she didn't embarrass herself anymore.
"Yeah, I am" I simply say, but I just want to cower beneath some blankets and not have to see the three guys look at me.
"Do I know him?" She asks persistently, but I wish she'd stop asking because I feel awkward enough. I can't just tell her that in not In a relationship, because then Ashton would find out and I don't want that.

Second Chance || Luke Hemmings
Fanfiction"Alice Mae, I love you with all my heart, body, and soul. All I'm asking is for you to give us another chance, please."