"So remind me why we're all here again?" Michael groans, annoyed that I dragged him, Luke, and Calum into the middle of a dark field at the nearby middle school in the middle of the night just so we can watch the meteor shower happening tonight. We are just sitting in the field at 11pm doing absolutely nothing yet because the meteor shower isn't supposed to start until later.
"Oh lighten up. This isn't bad. It feels nice out anyways," I smile over at him, shining my flashlight in his face.
"I could be wasting my time in a better way you know, like playing league of legends," Michael scoffs and I just roll my eyes at him.
I turn to Luke, who already looks amused, and tell him, "can you tell Michael to stop being an egotistical fucktard and enjoy the outdoors for once."
Luke looked over to Michael and opened up his mouth to speak, but Michael just shook his head, telling him not to.
"Cmon, Michael, you've never seen a shooting star. Now is your chance!" I scoot closer to him, practically begging him. I want him to enjoy this, honestly.
He held our gaze for a moment before sighing, and shaking his for giving in yet again.
I cheered and leaned in, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, which he hates, but I now he secretly enjoys it; he blushes every time.
"Was that necessary?" He looks over at me and lightly laughs, and I nod.
"Have you guys ever kissed before?" Calum asks out of the blue, making my head snap over in his direction.
"What?" Michael and I both ask at the same time, wide eyed.
"Have you ever kissed before?" He asks again, this time laughing. This also caught Luke attention.
I look towards Michael who looks at me awkwardly as well.
"Yes, we have," I begin to say, unsure if Michael wants me to tell the story, but I say it anyways, "he was my first kiss actually."
Calum and Luke both looked shock but start laughing, and I just shake my head, thankful it's too dark for them to see me blushing.
"How?" Luke asks, leaning forward in curiosity.
"Do you wanna tell the story or shall I?" I look over towards Michael who looks very embarrassed, but I would be too if I were him. It was hilarious.
"Ok, well we were both in 7th grade. It was during p.e. And we were having a fun Friday, and I was hanging out with some girls during that class and Michael with some guys. All of a sudden he comes over to me, and I greet him like usual, but all of a sudden he kisses me on the lips and the girls scream and I just stand there shocked. He quickly turns red in the face, runs away and we literally didn't talk for a week. That's how awkward it was," I laugh, as well as Calum and Luke, but Michael was covering his face with his hands.
"He kissed me off a dare because he did like me, but after he kissed me, we discovered there would be no romantic future between us and we just remained best friends," I sit there laughing, looking at Michael who looks so embarrassed.
"Aw, Michael. You're cute," Calum leans forward and pinches Michael's cheek, but Michael slaps his hand away quickly.
"We don't ever talk about our first and only kiss," Michael says sternly, and even in the dim lighting, I know he's red in the face.

Second Chance || Luke Hemmings
Fanfic"Alice Mae, I love you with all my heart, body, and soul. All I'm asking is for you to give us another chance, please."