Chapter 12 Beautiful now

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(Warning: a pretty depressing chapter)

I see what your wearing there's nothing beneath it

"Sean is everything okay?" The younger perky friend crush Sophia asks waving a hand in front of my face... I nod my head as to say yes, her features, she has beautiful chocolate brown hair, Hazel eyes, and-
"You sure, you seem agitated"
"I'm fine " I lied
I was not okay everything was collapsing around me
Mark lost a friend to suicide
My girlfriend broke up with me
And my depression is re emerging again

Forgive me for staring forgive me for breathing

And with that I ninja styled my way out of the group and out to the school yard
My wrists filled with old scars
I had been happy
Not so much anymore
Sophia she was well... Kind of seeing someone else
Emphasis on the word
Kind of

We might not know why

I chuck the rock I had picked up and skipped it on the water
"Screw the world" I said raising both my middle finger as my accent is still pretty thick

We might not know how

I was a transfer student I just came from Ireland maybe 9 months ago all the way to Canada why you ask...
I don't even know how the hell to answer your question
I have no core memories of my past
I've been told it's amnesia
Which I'll believe
Everything that just started hitting the fan I remember cause it happened as soon as I stepped off that plane I wasn't sure why I was here...
Sophia had been the first women to approach me at my new job and help me get situated, she was a bright flowy girl always wearing something bright at least one thing, and each day she would write a smiley face on a sticky note and stick it on my laptop screen, we were working as video game designers mainly for like TellTale or Naughty dog (I think that's it)

But baby tonight we're beautiful now

The only problem was a girlfriend who thought she could revive my memories, and that didn't work out... At all...
My family wasn't aware that I lost my memories, I just went with the flow sent a text to supposed parents you know chat with them and then when it came to girlfriend who tried to bring memories back it went downhill
"J-Sean" I get that a lot apparently in my past life I used to be famous for gaming the channel was called jacksepticeye so she would often refute to me as jack sometimes which didn't ever bother me.

We're beautiful now

I slipped on my jacket so she didn't see the scars
"Sean" this time she was rubbing her eye maybe to flick something away
"Sophia what's wrong" I said jogging towards her she was crying
"Me" she said I placed my head on top of hers
"Nothing's wrong with you-"
"That's what they all tell me- so- so don't tell me some bullshit story that-"
She looked towards my arm
Oh goodie what a coincidence my jacket was ripped just my luck
She gently took my arm and I let her
She gently rolled my sleeve up
"Sean" she said her puppy dog hazel eyes filled with sadness

...we're beautiful now

We stood there for a second
Sophia holding my arm
My other arm on top of hers
She was wearing her
Good same x 3 you suck then good game x 3
The shirt I got her
With jeans, black converse, and one of her jackets
"Jack please-please don't do this don't leave me, I've lost so many people mark and the rest of cyndago (😭) plus Sarah's been missing for the past 3 and a half hours"
I did not know Sarah was missing

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