Best Friends

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"Fine! Fuck you too, bitch! Get your shit out before I come home! Hope this new guy can put up with all your bullshit for as long as I fuckin' did!"


"Jeez" Matt sighed, rubbing his temples. The guys murmured in agreement in the aftermath of the loud and nasty argument that had been going on for about an hour, between Zacky and his...well, now apparently ex-fiancée.

"That was fuckin' awful" Johnny shook his head "And we only heard one end of it"

"I've never heard him yell like that before" Jimmy said quietly, and everyone else nodded in agreement. Zacky wasn't the type of person to yell, it really took a lot to get him revved up like that.

"Y'know he wont talk to any of us, right?" Brian looked up from strumming his acoustic guitar, his feet propped up on the coffee table. "Cassie, maybe you should go check in on him?"

Cassidy Eden Taylor looked up from the magazine she was pretending to read, and raised an eyebrow at her friend. She shifted uncomfortably against Johnny's side on the couch.

"Why me?" she questioned

"Because, babe, you're like the calming zen in this shit" Matt shot her a smile, gesturing around the tour bus lounge. Zacky had gone back to the bunk area to talk to Gena on his phone, when the argument had started, and the slam heard afterwards was probably him shutting himself in the very back room of the bus.

Cassie swallowed hard as she felt four pairs of eyes on her.

"But...he's all angry and shit" she protested weakly "Can't we just take him out to get shitfaced after the show?"

"We were anyway, but he cant go on stage like he is now, please, Cass, for us?" Johnny looked down at her. She rolled her eyes and sighed, rolling off the couch and landing gracefully on the floor. Jimmy pulled her up and shoved her towards the back room. She shot him a glare over her shoulder and he grinned, blowing her a kiss. Fucking Jimmy.

She loved him really. She loved all of the guys in the band. They were like her brothers, and they all loved her just as much. Cassie 'Harlot' Taylor was the sixth member of Avenged Sevenfold, and had been with the band since the beginning. She played rhythm guitar alongside Zacky, and she was fucking good at it, despite all the shit that was hurled her way for being a girl. But she kicked as much ass as the boys did, sometimes even more. When they first started out, nobody believed that a third guitarist would work out. They dubbed it pointless and unnecessary, but they made it work, just like Iron fucking Maiden, and now the fans couldn't get enough of Cassie. She played incredibly, sang like a fucking angel and had a stage presence like no other. Girls wanted to be her, and guys wanted to be with her, and the boys in the band were incredibly protective of her.

Which sometimes, really pissed her off.

Cassie sighed as she walked towards the back room, tucking a strand of her dark brown hair behind her heavily pierced ear. She stood and listened outside the back room for a few minutes, swearing she could hear Zacky's muffled sobs. She bit her lip and gently knocked on the door.

"Zack? It's Cassie, babe, can I come in?"


"ZeeVee, please let me in. I just wanna make sure you're okay...we're all worried about you"

She paused as she heard footsteps moving towards the door. She stepped back as the door opened slightly. Zacky was looking a little pale, and his eyes were red and slightly puffy. It was obvious he'd been crying.

"M'fine" he mumbled, unconvincingly as he stomped back to the large sofa and slumped down on it, cradling his head in his hands.

"Liar" Cassie shut the door behind her and sat next to her best friend on the couch, rubbing a comforting hand over his shoulders. "What happened babe?"

"I don't even know" Zacky sighed, still holding his head in his hands. "One minute we were just talking and then the next she starts going bat shit about me being away all the time and how she's been seeing this dude from the new bar in town, apparently he gives her everything I cant" Zacky's voice breaks a little "So, I told her fine, get her fucking shit out of my house and be with this new guy, see if I give a fuck"

"But you do give a fuck" Cassie pointed out "You love her, Zack, and much as I don't like her...I can see how happy she makes you. You were gonna marry her"

"Yeah, well, see how fucking miserable she makes me too?" Zack lifted his head up and looked at his best friend. Cassie gave him a sympathetic smile and stroked his cheek gently. "I'm glad to be rid of her, fucking money grabbing whore."

"You said it, not me" grinned Cassie, and placed a quick kiss to his cheek. "But I know the both of you, and you'll probably be back together by the end of the week."
Zacky scoffed. "And even if you're not, you're hot, Baker, you'll have no problems finding someone else to stuff it in"

"Yeah, right" Zacky chuckled, blushing a little at his friend's bluntness. "Cant you just be my girlfriend Cass? Like you're hot and chill and everything, we get along crazy well, and the sex would be amazing, cos ya know, I'm a god in the sack-"

Cassie cut her friend off by bursting into loud giggles, and Zacky stopped rambling and glared at the younger woman as she doubled over with laughter.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry" Cassie giggled, trying to control herself. "Zee, I love you and all, but come on"

"What?" Zacky looked mildly offended "What, Cass?"

"Nothing" grinned Cassie, still giggling a little as she stood up. "Nothing at all ZeeVee"

"You can be a bitch sometimes, ya know that?" Zacky returned her grin, standing up with her. "But I love ya. Thanks for making me feel better babe"

"Always, Baker" Cassie hugged her friend tightly. "And to make you feel even better, I promise we will get absolutely shit faced after the show tonight, okay? I have a couple of secret bottles of Jack with our names on"

"I think I'm in love with you" Zacky smiled, returning her hug and kissing the top of her head. "You're the best, Cass"

"Yeah, yeah, I know" she grinned, shoving him away from her slightly and walking out of the back room. She paused in the doorway. "You'll be okay, Zee"

Zacky smiled and watched her walk away, ignoring his increased heartbeat and sweaty palms.

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