Tequila Shots and Late Night Callers

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Cassie flew off the stage and straight into her family's arms, clinging to them tight as they cheered and praised her performance. She felt tears in her eyes as she pulled back, receiving a kiss from her mother. Lillian Taylor cradled her daughter's face, smiling proudly.

"Baby, you were amazing!! I'm so proud of you!" the older woman smiled, drawing her daughter into another tight hug.

"Alright, Lil, let the poor kid go, her old man wants a hug too!" Cassie's dad, Frank, chuckled.

"Daddy" Cassie smiled, allowing her father to draw her into a giant bear hug.

"Great show, baby girl. I'm so proud of you" he smiled, placing a kiss on her head.

"Thank you dad" said Cassie as they broke apart, running a hand through her sweaty hair.

"Impressive kid, I see you still can't afford whole shirts yet" Cassie's older brother Austin chuckled, tugging on his sister's cropped tee. His girlfriend Kristin rolled her eyes as she hugged her friend.

"He missed you, even though he's all macho and would never admit it" she teased. Cassie laughed, letting go of Kristin, and punching Austin on the arm before kissing his cheek and hugging him.

"I missed you, too, bro" she mumbled, giving him a squeeze.

"So, we have some news..." Kristin grinned as the siblings broke apart. Cassie raised an eyebrow in question, before breaking out into a grin and squealing loudly as Kristin held out her left hand, showing off the sizeable diamond that now sat on her ring finger. Cassie hugged her now sister in law to be once more, shaking her a little.

"You guys! I'm so happy for you!" Cassie yelled, feeling a few tears escape. "Congrats!"

"Thanks, kid" Austin smiled, wrapping an arm around his fiancée. "Kristin has something to ask you, too, and it would mean a lot to both of us if you said yes"

"Will you be my maid of honor?"

Cassie didn't respond with words, but instead a shriek of happiness as she flung herself at both her brother and sister in law. The other guys and their families came over to hear what the commotion was about.

"Yes, yes, yes!!! Oh my god, of course I will!" screamed Cassie, breaking away from them and jumping up and down. Her parents watched on, chuckling.

"What's going on?" laughed Matt, after everyone had said hello and exchanged hugs.

"Austin and Kristin are getting married, and I'm maid of honor!" yelled Cassie, barely able to contain her excitement. The girls all squealed and immediately flocked to Kristin to inspect the ring, as the guys all shook Austin's hand and congratulated him.

"About damn time" Brian winked, giving Austin a bro hug, patting him on the back. "Stopped draggin' ya feet, huh, buddy?"

"Well, what can I say, when it's right, you know it," grinned Austin "Right Zack?"

"You said it, dude" Zacky nodded, catching Cassie's eyes momentarily across their friends. Austin noticied the direction of Zacky's glance, and his eyebrow raised slightly.

"We need to go out for drinks to celebrate!" Jimmy yelled, raising his fist in the air.

"Jim, dude, it's like 12am" Johnny checked his watch, yawning.

"And!? The night is young! Come on, short shit, even you aint that old yet!" jeered Brian, giving the bassist a rough noogie.

After organising for their luggage to be taken to their homes, the band, their girlfriends, Austin and Kristin all bid goodbye to their families, with promises of catching up tomorrow, and arranged for several cabs to come pick them up and take them to Austin's bar, which he had ingeniously named 'Austin's Bar and Grill', for celebratory shots and beers.

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