Restless Nights

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ssie grunted with the effort as she dragged her suitcase out of the elevator and out into the parking lot, where the bus and driver, Dylan, was waiting for them.

"Hey Dylan" she sent him a winning smile as he took her bag from her, carrying it up onto the bus. "Aw, you're too sweet"

"You know me Cassie, always willing to help out a beautiful lady" the older man sent her a cheeky wink and she laughed, kissing his cheek.

"Careful Dylan, I might get drunk and lonely one of these nights" she joked as she walked onto the bus, leaving the old man chuckling behind her as he helped the rest of the guys onto the bus with their stuff.

She sighed as she flopped into her familiar bunk, listening as the guys and their girlfriends clambered onto the bus.

"Hey sexy lady" Val grinned, siting on the edge of Cassie's bunk as the bus started up and everyone went about their own things.

"Hey" Cassie sat up, smiling, moving so Val could sit more comfortably.

" did it go?" smirked Val, wiggling her eyebrows at her best friend.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Cassie huffed, folding her arms and raising a brow at the smirking blond. "Nothing happened, nothing at all"

"Please" Val scoffed, rolling her eyes "You're telling me that, even after all the sexy dancing, the suggestive looks and sexual tension building, and him asking you to go to his room last night, that nothing happened at all?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you" Cassie felt bad lying straight to her best friend, but it was for the best. At least for now, anyway. "We talked and, ya know, decided it was best if we didn't go down that road"

"Uh huh" Val didn't look convinced. But she dropped it anyway. "Okay, well as long as you're okay, and nobody is getting hurt, I'll let you get on with it" Val reached over and hugged Cassie before standing up "We're all gonna watch a movie in the lounge, you coming?"

"Sure" Cassie smiled, "I'll be there in a second"

Val smiled and left her friend alone in the bunk area. Cassie sighed, running her hand through her hair, before following her out.

The opening credits for The Crow were playing on the large TV, and everyone had already squished onto the large couch, leaving the armchair, big enough for two, empty. Zacky emerged from the bathroom the same time as Cassie walked into the lounge, and everyone smirked between themselves as Zacky sat down, patting the space next to him. She smiled at him, climbing up and resting her legs across his lap, getting comfortable to watch the movie. Behind the heads of their girlfriends, Matt and Jimmy fist bumped quietly.

"Hey" Zacky whispered quietly, drawing gentle circles on Cassie's legs with his fingers.

"Hey back" Cassie smiled, ignoring the goose bumps erupting on her skin at that current moment.

"I, uh...sorry about last night" he dropped his voice so no one else would hear. "I kinda missed you after you left"

"So I saw" she smirked and Zacky chuckled softly. "I was impressed, Vengeance."

"Likewise" he chewed on his snakebites, his eyes flashing dark with lust as he looked at her. "You have no idea how hot you are, babe"

Cassie chewed her lip, laughing softly as she felt her cheeks flush. She brushed her foot lightly over his crotch, to anyone else it would have looked like an accident, but Zacky knew it was completely the opposite. "Careful, Cass, you tease me anymore and I might just throw you down in front of everyone and fuck you till you can't walk"

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