Hangovers and Realisations

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Jimmy tip toed through the bunk area the next morning with a grin on his face. For one, he wasn't hung over, which made a nice fucking change, and second, he knew all too well where Cassie had ended up last night.

And of course, he was going to embarrass the shit out of her for it.

He crept towards Zacky's bunk and peeled back the curtain slightly, frowning in confusion when he noticed that Zacky was alone, out cold and snoring slightly, spread out on his back. Jimmy drew the curtain back and turned to face Cassie's bunk, which was conveniently opposite Zack's. He threw back the curtain and grabbed Cassie's sleeping body, causing her to snap awake and scream as loud as she could, desperately trying to cover herself up.

"I SEE LONDON, I SEE FRANCE, I GOT CASSIE IN HER UNDERPANTS!" Jimmy yelled, carrying Cassie into the lounge and throwing her on the couch. Cassie groaned and rolled onto her stomach, closing her eyes once more.

"I hate you, Jimmy" she groaned into the couch pillow. Jimmy stood over her, his eyebrow cocked.

"I know, doesn't make the view any less awesome, though" he grinned, she was just in an oversized AC/DC tshirt and her panties, her long tanned legs and perfect ass on display. The guys poked their heads out of their bunks, laughing at their friends.

"Boner alert" Johnny grinned, eyeing up his female friend.

"Nice ass, Harlot" chuckled Matt. Cassie, who was all too familiar with Jimmy's so called 'pranks', that she made no effort to cover herself up and simply flipped Matt off without even opening her eyes.

"Vengeance, you're missing out, man!" Brian reached down below his bunk and opened Zacky's curtain.

"Fuck you all" Zacky's sleepy, gravelly voice came from his bunk. He was definitely hung over. He crawled to the edge of his bunk and peered out, seeing Jimmy stood with a smirk on his face and Cassie lying on the couch. He swallowed hard as his eyes travelled over her bare lower half and he felt his boxers tighten a little.

"Try not to enjoy it too much, Zee" Johnny chuckled, walking past and closing Zacky's curtain. Zacky threw himself back on his pillows and groaned, looking down at his now tented boxers.

"Fuck my life" he sighed, closing his eyes and listening to the guys moving around, fisting his hands in his hair.


"There he is" grinned Brian, as Zacky eventually made an appearance in the lounge. Zacky flipped him off and flopped onto the couch, groaning. "Long night?"

"After you guys went to bed, Cassie broke out the Jack" Zacky chuckled, his stomach churning at the thought.

"Aw man, no wonder she looks so haggard this morning" Johnny laughed.

"Hey, fuck you Christ, remember who's fucking cooking your breakfast, motherfucker!" Cassie's head poke out from the kitchen, and instantly Zacky's heart fluttered. She shot a grin in his direction.

"Morning, Baker"

"Sup?" he grinned back at her. "You better not bring any food in my direction"

"Pussy" she teased, bringing in plates for everyone else, piled with eggs and bacon. Zacky chuckled lightly as he watched her. Even obviously hungover, she was still beautiful. She was wearing her oversized AC/DC tshirt and boxers, her face was make up free and her hair was up in a messy bun. Unlike Gena, Cassie was naturally beautiful. Zacky didn't understand why Cassie felt the need to waste time on her hair and makeup. She didn't need it. Despite what her bastard of an ex boyfriend used to tell her. "Earth to Zee!"

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