Chapter 1

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Hey, people! Just for future reference, I am Sierra! I hope you like my fanfic! I came up with this idea on my own, so please don't think that I am copying anybody! Anyways, here goes nothing!

-Angela's POV-

I hum 'Live While We're Young' as I drive to TheScienceStore. I am a geek. But I am never made fun of for it. I am pretty, that's why. I have fair skin, dark, wavy hair, sky blue eyes, I am short, (as in 5'4") skinny, and all the boys fall for me. I don't like it one bit. I know what you're thinking: 'Wow, Angela! You have all these boys fawning over you and you don't like it??' The answer: yes. I want people to like me for my brains. So one who doesn't just want to kiss me, use me, just to get my looks. I want so one to appreciate that I got four scholarship offers. One to Harvard, Yale, CSU, and CU. I'm thinking about Harvard. But yet, I might just be an experimental chemist and stay at home.

I pull into the parking lot of the store. I grab my wallet and walk in, greeted by a chorus of 'Hey, Angela's. I'm ome of their best customers. No, I take that back. I am their best, and probably only customer. Felmale at least.

"What can we get you today, Angie?" Asks Toni, the manager and owner of the store.

"Some stomach acid, please," I ask politely. I know that Toni has a crush on me, big time. I guess because I'm the only one who has the same interests as him and is a girl. But there's always been something about him that's... off... bad, almost.

"Alright! Anything for our best customer!" He says, cheerily. He heads to the store room, and comes out holding a corked beaker full of my requested ingredient.

"Thanks, Toni!" I hand him twenty dollars and as I open my wallet, he catches a glimpse of my picture of One Direction, and my one of Niall. His eyes fill with jealousy as he takes the bills.

"See you next time, Angel," he says through gritted teeth with his fists clenched. I roll my eyes.

"Ok, Toni!" And as an afterthought, I added, "you know you never had a chance anyways." He sighs as the bell above the door jingles, signaling my exit.


I pull Into my driveway and see GiGi, my black kitten, streaks across the driveway. I unlock my orange-painted door and am greeted by an empty house, once again.

I live completely, utterly, alone. My mom and dad died in a  fire a year ago and left me all of their fortune, they were rich. And I mean RICH. As a child, I had everything that I wanted. I had butlers, maids, cooks. Did I mention that's one of the reasons that I was never bullied? Yeah, I had a ton of money. Sorry, HAVE.

Even when I had everything, all that I wanted was nothing. Well, not nothing. Just, I wanted something simple for once. I never let Marykay, the maid who was assigned to me, do any of the work without myself. I made my own bed, washed my own clothes (but I let her put them away), and I never let her clean my room or bathroom alone. Sometimes she would sneak doing it while I was away, just so that she can feel like she did her job. For eighteen years, I have stayed grounded. Sometimes my head was in the clouds, but my feet have always been planted firm on Earth.

I put the beaker of acid on my workbench in the basement, along with all of my other ingredients. I sigh, plopping down on my bench, thinking of my parents. I loved them tremendously. Not ten minutes after sitting down, I feel wet, warm tears slide down my cheeks. I fell asleep crying.


Hey, guys! Sorry if it was a short chapter! I'm not very good at writing long things. I never had and I don't know why. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any tips, feedback, or constructive criticism, leave it below, and ill try to get back to you. I will most likely take it into consideration! Just, please! No hate! This is my fist story, so cut me some slack! Anywho! I've decided to do some things at the end of the chapters. In the autor's notes. Maybe something to lengthen it, add a bit of Liam, humor, and it will have nothing to do with the book, just FYI. I'm doing this book for a friend. Her name is Alexis and she's a Nialler. I'm a Liam fan, personally. Ok! Also, I will have questions at the end of every chapter, ok? Ok!

1) Who is your favorite One Direction member? (For me, Liam all the way!)

2) What is your favorite Louis quote? (Uhhhhh... 'Puttin my hat on, what the hellds it look like?!' I like that because of how...special it is.)

3) What is your favorite non-One Direction song? (Mine is either 'I Won't Give Up' by Jason Mraz, or 'Little Bird' by Ed sheeran)

4) Favorite 1D song? (LITTLE THINGS!!!!!!)

See you my little...erm...oh! Wait me think of a nickname for you peoples! Ok, bai!

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