Chapter 4

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Angela's POV

He is so sweet! Even more so in person than in videos that I've seen or from what I've heard. Even though. Can't hear his beautiful Irish accent, I know that it's there. Even though I can't see the color in his gorgeous eyes, I know that they sparkle. Because even though I just met him, I feel very deep feelings for him.

I open the door to my house, wondering what to do. As I walk through the kitchen, my foot catches on a loose floorboard and I fall.

"Well, isn't that fabulous...I'm such a klutz..." I think to myself. I pick myself up, still mentally spewing profanities. I brush myself off, realizing that I am still wet. I silently sigh and make my way to my bedroom.

As soon I am changed, I head to the desk in the corner of my room. There is something that should be here... something... Aha! I grab the paper and pencil (I don't actually know if they had pencils. I'm too lazy to look it up :3). I have a plan so that Nialll and I can communicate. I will write something, he can write a response, it all works out quite well, actually.

"Wanna go job hunting?" I scribble down onto the paper. I grab my bag and head out the door, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket on the way.

As I munch on the sweet, red fruit, I make my way across the small street. People in this time era were actually quite smart. I applaud them. As soon as I ook up from the dirt, I see Liam and a girl who looks remarkably like his girlfriend, Iz, sitiing on their porch swing. Thise two are just so adorable! It's impossible not to ship Liz! They are bus staring into each other's eyes, so I tap Liam on the shoulder. As soon as he looks up, I scribble down a simple word and show it to him. "Niall?". He pionts at the door, signalling that he is inside. I nod a thanks and open it.

I see Niall in the kitchen pigging out on fruit. Typical Niall. I see Zayn with a girl who looks like, no, IS, Linsay. And Louis has Kendall, and Harry has Sierra. They are all so happy. I can see it in the way they look at each other. Or in Harry and Sierra's case, having their eyes closed and making out like there's no tomorrow. But I guess they haven't seen each other in a while...? Nope, still freaky.

I sneak up behind Niall, which isn't hard, considering there is no sound, and shove the note in his face. He stumbles back, falling ontop of me. I laugh and try to shove him off, but he really does need to cut down on the food. Even though he looks very skinny, he weighs a lot for someone so small. I try rolling out from under him, but still to no avail. He flips himself over -still ontop of me- and just sits there like a little girl with his head in his hands, propped up on his elbows, and swinging his legs. He just stares at me. I give him a questining look, and out of owhere kisses me. He kissed me! That cheeky leprechan! The Niall James Horan of Westmeath, Mullingar, Ireland, UK, the Earth, Milky Way, our Universe kissed me! A simple girl of Parker, Colorado, USA,... ok, you get the point.

I look at him with astonishment. I can feel my cheeks burning with crimson flowering over my face. My eyes feel enlarged to the size of golf balls. He just looks at me with his gorgeous eyes and smiles. My lips curl upward into a goofy smile, my cheeks still on fire. He just smiles down at me and kisses me again. Ok, I have one thing (LOL) figured out; this guy will send me over the edge- he kissed me again. I am falling off f an imaginary cliff right now! I am so happy! He leans down for one more kiss, and this tme, I kiss back. I swear fireworks were flying everywhere. That might be why there are eight people loking at us in awe, amusement, and amazment. This is eriously the happiest moment of my life. That includes my first kiss, the first time a boy asked me out, my first car, everything. It felt as though nothing could ruin this moment. But apparently, his name is "Nothing", because he did. I saw him through the window. I broke the kiss and met his eyes. even with a comical handlebar mustache, he was recognizable.

Toni. He must know who Niall is. I visit the store every week, at least once. He sees my wallet and the picture in it. We stare at each other and eventually, everyone else is staring, too. Fortunately, he isn't very socially inclined, so he just stands there. And stands there. After about a minute or so, I blink. He runs. If this really is a silent movie, then there is only one logical explanation that I can come up with.

He was sent here to be the villan. Niall mustv'e been sent to be the hero, and they boys and their girlfriends his sidekicks. That onlt means one thing; I am the damsel in distress. Cure whatever brought me here! Being that role will only make me feel helpless. I can't stand feeing helpless. It makes me cry, I mean, seriously. I have experience feling so, endlessly helpless. But that's a story for later... if you can even look forward to something as horrific as that. No! Don't make me think it, I beg you! Fine! You weasled it out of me! But no details you sick people! (A/N I don't mean that, but for story's sake)

When I was a sophmore, a senior named Joe Dickenson kept flirting with me. Constantly. I begged him to stop following me around for months, but he was relentless. One day I was staying late to help in the art classroom at school and he had detntion. He had a reputation as the baddest bad boy in the school. He even called detention his club. Anyways, as I was on my way to my locker, I was passing a janitor's closet. He opened the door and pulled me in. He started meking out with me and wouldn't stop, so I kneed him in the balls. He said "You'll pay for that, Angel!" and I did. He ended up doing terrible things to me. Can you guess? Yep. That's right. He raped me. I had never felt so helpless. He took away something that can never be given back. I still have the nightmares. I still have the horrible memories etched into my brain forever. That is one of the reasons that I can't stand feeling helpless. It makes me thin back to January 17th. Hands down, the worst day of my life.

I must've been crying because when I open my eyes, I see Niall had gotten off of me and was looking at me with a concerned look. Also, when I wipe my face, I feel warm wetness that are tears. I whip my head around, onlt to reveal that everybody else is staring at me, too. I stand up and ru away, across the street and into my house. I fling myself onto my bed and cry for hours. I cry myself to sleep.


Oh, Toni is here? I he really sent as the villan? Maaaayyyybeeee... Sorry for the late update, I didn't have access to the internet. But now I do, and here is your QOTD! (question of the day)

What's your birthday? ( April 23, 2000)

Stalker time!

Me: *in Liam's bedroom with a camera ready*

Laim: *walks in and sees me* YOU?!

Me: *snaps pic* you remember!

Liam: no duh! You stalkers are creepy...

Me: we take pride in it, Lima Bean! I have an association.

Liam: wha-?

Me: *flaskes badge that says "the stalker association of 1D international"* I have thousands of members all over the world! I get the highest honour to stalk you while youre in town! Ella has Niall, Mia has Zayn, Ruby has Louis, Tanya has Harry, Lex has Lux, Alexia has Paul, Jadeann has Lou...

Liam: Holy Toy Story! What is wrong with you people?!

Me: many of us have SS. stalker syndrome, but other than that OH! A few of us have escaped from mental health facilities!

Liam: uh...

Me: straight jackets are right uncomfortable! And those padded rooms and the doctors, it's no fun! Now I'm a wanted fugitive! But it's worth it!

Liam: 0.0 out. now.

Me: but Lima Bean!

Liam: don't call me Lima Bean! Get out!

Me: fine! But I'll be back! *poofs away*

Liam: *shivers*

My mysterious disembodied voice: see you later, Lima Bean!

Bye, Dolls!

Silence {A Niall Horan Short Story} *Completed* SERIOUSLY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now