Chapter 10

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-Two and a half weeks later-

Angela's POV 

Ok, let me fill you in. We almost have all of the ingredients that we need ater so long of collecting. And yes, it has been torture, COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE TORTURE, to not be able to talk. We've been stuck here for almost a month. Not fun. At all. Try being mute and not being able to see color for a month! That's rough, right there. But I've had Niall, the boys, and the girls here with me, so it isn't TOTALLY awful. But I just need a few more ingredients and ten we are on our way back home! 

I was startled out of my thoughts by someone touching my shoulder. I jolted and turned around to see an estatic Niall. I shot him a questiing look and he opened his palm, revealing the rest of the ingredients. We're almost done! I looked from him to his handfull of lifesavers. I stood up and started bouncing around and doing a happy dance. All we need is a night to finish the "Potion" and we will be back home! Home... The word bounces around in my head and it bringa a smile to my face. I will get to be with my cat and my parents. And even people who I don't really like that much! I will be back in my own time with people to match. Do you know how hard it has been reading words backwards? It gives me a severe headache, let me tell you that. I ended up getting a job, but it would't compare to what I always did. I mean, I love being  chemist. But recently, I have been focusing on another career. 

I grab Niall's free hand and we run to the room where we have been storing the ingreients. Both of us have giddy expressions. I start putting the materials in in reverse order, stirring when necessary. I am about to add the last ingredient when...

*Taunting music* Haha! I'm just messing with you! I wouldn't stop it just like that! 

...when I feel a hand grip aorund the front of my face, covering my mouth. I feel a hard thunk on the side of my head and the last thing that I see is the face of Toni staring down at me with a malicios smirk on his face. This cannot be good... And then the darkness enveloped me, leaving me with nothing.

Alright. I'll cut right to the chase. I know I've been a crap author, so for that, I'm sorry. I will update from now on, but I will no longer have the roll plays at the end. I WILL have QOTD, though. Ah well. But... Yeah, I know this is short and once again, I'm sorry. It's a filler chater, and you know what a filler means for the future! DRAMA! Yep, there will be tons of drama coming, just wait and see. So... Here's QOTD!

I am really into drama. Are you a thater geek, too?

5 votes to the next chapter, eh?

Ok, BYEEEEEE! ~Sierra

Silence {A Niall Horan Short Story} *Completed* SERIOUSLY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now