Chapter 13

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Niall's POV

I had a gun pressed to my head and I was seeing the love of my life being forcibly married to someone that she doesn't love. When... Poof. There was no gun, no wedding, and most of all, no black and white. There was color in the air and I was in my bed, exactly as when I left. The morning sun is now streaming through the half-opened curtains and my fan is twirling at a dizzying speed. Just like before... 

But whenever something elates your heart and makes you so happy that you can't explain it always has to have a major down side... And just as I was about to do a victory dance, my great mood skittered to an abrupt halt. What about Angela? Will she still feel the same? Does she even remember? 

I make my way slowly down the thirty-or-so stairs leading directly into our mid-floor living/television room. I'm the first awake. I'm not even hungry... 

I sit down on the normally unexplainably comfortable couch, but now it just feels like a thing that's there. I grab the remote and flip on the tv. I flip through the channels, not necessarily paying attention... I just... I don't know what to do. If my Angel isn't in my life anymore, then what could I do? SHe was more than an angel. SHe is my gaurdian angel. How can I live without a gaurdian angel? 

-About a Year Later-

Angela's POV

So, as far as my career goes, I am no longer a scientist. As of a few months ago, I am an actress. Being accidentally in a movie really opened my eyes. There's more to life than being a scientist. Can't I be smart and, as of the movie that I'm starring in, Two Ways on Broadway, (A/N Made it up) AND famous? Well, I'm telling the public that I can be. And I am darn proud of it. 

For the time being, I am in a limo going to an awards show for my costar (Who may I say I fall madly in love with in the movie?), Taylor Laughtner. And I know what you're all thinking. "Did she forget about Niall? Is she dating the uber smexy Taylor now?" To both of those answers, I say no. I have anything BUT forgotten about Niall. I could never forget him. And I am going to support Taylor as a friend. That's all. We really have become really close and are like brother and sister, best friends, even. 

The limo pulls up to the gigantic arena. I the chaufer opens the door for me and I step out in that cliche way when the very nice foot shos, but nothing else and then the rest of me emerges. I am wearing a blue flare dress that comes to just above my knees, a black belt, black stilletos, my hair is tied up in a high sock bun, and my makeup is pefectly a combo of both of those colors. My outfit alone makes me feel elated with joy.

According to Jeanine, my manager, Taylor is already here and we'll meet up when we can then interview together. 

I start into the sea of camera flashes and screaming voices. I take one step at a time, smiling broadly at the nearly-blinding mass of white lights. By now, the whole world knows my miraculous story of how I went from a chemist to an actress in a very little span of time. 





The screams filled my ears. I walked over to one of the men, dressed fomally in a suit and tie. He was in his late twenties and seemed nice enough. 

"Hello, Miss Thompson," He beamed, glad at his chance at a quick interview. 

"Please, call me Angela." I say kindly. 

"Angela, then. Is it true that you and Taylor are dating in real life?" He snaps a few pictures as K answer.

"No, it's not. We are just friends and intend on keeping that way." I smile. I wonder how man times I'll be anwering that tonight? I wonder to myself idly. I walk away and do a few more interviews until I meet up with Taylor. 

"Hey, TayTay!" He smiles as he pulls me into a muscular hug. 

"How's my Angie-Bear?" He asks, snaking an arm around my waist. Totally friendly. It honestly means nothing. 

"Taylor! Angela!" Someone calls from our left. We sigh in unision and walk over to the lady that called us there. 

A few more interviews, a minorly soar throat, and a billion pictures later, Taylor and I separate. I walk one way, he another. I look at my shoes momentarily. When I look back up, I see something that I never in a million years thought that I would ever see again. Blonde hair, perfect teeth, and perfect him. All there along with the others. Iz and Sierra were linked onto Harry and Liam's arms, Niall, Louis, and Zayn standing alone. They broke up with their girlfirends and are single pringles now. I keep my gaze locked on that one perfect boy who changed my life even before I met him. My baby. My Niall. 

Niall's POV

The boys and I were casually at an awards show, Iz and Sierra with us, as well. We were in the middle of an interview when I felt someone looking at me. Not in a bad or pap way, just in a WAY. So, of course, I turned to see who it was. And much to my astonishment, I caught my Gaurdian Angel looking at me, slightly surprised. She must remember. 

A smile curls on my lips, my actions mirrored on her. We both take a step forward and I step away from the rest. Screw the interview, this is my baby. I heard she's costarring in a movie with Taylor Laughtner and that they're going out. But you can never trust the paparazi. I know that firsthand. 

Both our steps advanced in speed and in seconds we were in each others' arms, not caring about the paps. I pick her up and wirl her around and she laughs a musical, beautiful laugh. One that I always had the desire to hear. I put her down and we just stared at each other for a moment. But we start leaning forward and we kiss. The old sparks that wew there before ignite again, as though they had been in a long slumber. Even if we kissed before, it felt like our very first kiss. It was sweet and soft, yet passionate and rough. Her lips taste not like lipstick, but like cheescake. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. I'm just enjoying every second that I can of it. 


So there you have a particulary long chapter. I have a good reason, too. It's the finale. The grand finale. I will be posting an epilogue, not a sequel. So there that was. 

Here's the very LAST QOTD!

Did you enjoy the boook? 

Ok, so that was it. As soon as I post the epilogue, this will be finished. I really hope that you enjoyed the book! Yeep! So, goodnight, dolls. My mom will murder me if I stay on here much longer, but I just had to finish and post this. Read my other stories, though! I know the book was short, but it was my very first book, so... yeah. 

All my love to all you beautiful porcelain dolls! XXXXX


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