Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

"Guys?" I ask, breaking the silence in the living room. We had a rough day in the recording studio. They wouldn't let me eat for an hour and a half straight! That was brutal, I tell you! Anyways, we are all pretty knackered.

"Whaaaat?" Harry asks, drawling out the word.

"Didn't you have dates, or something...?" I ask, my voice clearly full of exhaustion.

"Nah. I called Iz and she said that its ok and we can do it next time. She understands how hard it can be," Liam states, a smile tugging at his mouth. Iz is his girlfriend. (A/N Aka meeeee! But my name is really sierra. But hey, honey badger, right? ;) He loves her so much that it's almost frightening. Ok, not really, let me try this again: he loves her like I love food. Ok, that's better. Izabel is a music producer. She is the head manager, even though she's only 18. She's very accomplished.

"Yeah. Same with Sierra. She's been busy, too. She ended up having to babysit her little brother, so it worked out fine!" Harry said cheerily. Those two were meant to be together, u swear it! Even though she's much younger, she's just as mature and really awesome! She's kinda a family person, though. (A/N I hope it's ok that I put that, Sierra!) She's always putting them first, which is really cool in my opinion!

"Zayn, Louis? What about you two?" I ask, nudging Zayn, who is next to me, with my elbow.

"Kendall couldn't be finer with it." Louis states. "I'm going to Skype her later, though." (A/N sorry, guys! No Elanor in this story...) Kendall is so carefree and go-with-the-flow, that if you put her in a river, she wouldn't even struggle, just go with the flow. So perfect for Louis!

"And Zayn, what about Lindsay?" I ask, turning my head. All the boys look at him expectantly. But as soon as I lay my eyes on him, I see that he's fast asleep. I chuckle. Jayn is such an awesome ship. Some people even named their twitter for them, it was so sweet. In fact, I follow someone called 'Jayn_Shipper_1'. I just with that I had a girlfriend. I'm the one who is known for being single, not caring, and just being, well, happy with being alone. But not anymore. I want someone to hold and call 'princess'. I want her to love me, and I want to love her right back, and love her just as much. Being Niall Horan, I can get any person that I want to get. Any model, any actress. But I don't want a famous person. I want a normal girl. Is that so much to ask? Apparently, it is. I sigh.

"What's wrong, mate?" Asks Liam, clearly worried.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just...tired, is all. I'm going to bed." I say, standing up, he clearly doesn't believe me, bu he let it go, thank god.

"I think we should all go to bed." Liam says, yawning. The other murmur in agreement, except Zayn, who snores.

"Plug your ears, boys." I say, grabbing the air horn from off of the end table. They all do so just as I blow it in Zayn's face. He wakes with a start.

"Wha-? Huh?" He says, jolting up. We all burst into laughter. "Next time, a simple wake up, sleepyhead will suffice..." He says, moaning.

"We're going to bed, come on, mate." Harry says, already making his way up the stairs. Slowly I might add.

Zayn groans. "Fiiiine...." And he walks up the stairs as well. We all follow suit, and part ways into our rooms.

I fall asleep almost as soon as my head touches the pillow. Even though I am fully clothed, with my shoes on, I am tired enough to do that. I fall asleep thinking of the perfect girl.

Angela's POV

It's getting really let and I'm tired. Before I got to bed, I decide to do one last experiment. A grab my acid and troop down to the basement. I sigh, gathering materials from cabinets, drawers, the sink, and I sit down at my workbench. My old best friend called it a witch's hut because if all of the ingredients and things. I'll admit: even the lighting and the fog floating around on the floor added to the effect.

I start pouring vials of things into my beaker. A little bit of this, a dash of this, a pinch of that. After adding quite some amount of ingredients, stirring, and transferring things here and there. Finally, I add a drop of acid. To let the effect kick in, I need to let it sit overnight.

"GiGi!" I call, after opening my front door. "Time for bed, Geegs!" She doesn't come running past my feet like she normally does after I call her. This worries me.

I step outside to find her, but Everything's different. I am no longer me. Well, I am, but I am in old west attire, my house is made of rickety boards, and everything is dirt, rather than cement or asphalt. I spin around, looking at my surroundings. That is, until I get dizzy and fall...

The stars like there's no tomorrow. But this is odd because in the city, the stars don't shine. But the most peculiar thing, is that everything is in black and white.

I open my mouth to call my cat, still very confused as to what is going on. But nothing comes out of my mouth. No sound, nothing. I try again, still there is not a peep. 'This is all just a crazy, mixed up dream...that's all that it is. Ill just go to sleep, and everything will be fine!' I think to myself, shaking my head, and turning back into the house. I crawl into my bed and fall asleep, hoping, no, begging, that this is just a dream.



Hey, peoples! I still don't have a name for you...#needanickname! Anyways, is it real, or just a dream? We shall soon find out, shan't we? Haha! Well, it's question time!

1) Favorite One Direction band member? (Liam! All the way!)

2) what is your favorite color? (Robin's egg blue!)

3) favorite animal? (Turtle!)

Stalker time!!!!

Me: *sneaking around the corner into the boys' house* omg! This is their house! I'm in One Direction's foyer! Eeep!

Liam: *comes around the corner, cuz he heard noises* who are you?

Me: ah! It's you! But are you real? *pets his face* yes! You are real!

Liam: Paul! There's a fangirl in our house again! *calls over his shoulder, not letting his gaze falter from me*

Me: oh, so you HAVE met Ella! She wasn't sure if it was real or not! *smiles really big and creepy*

Liam: uh...

Paul: *comes in and sees me* miss, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, please. *tries to usher me out the door*

Me: OOOOOHHHHHEMMMMGEEEEE! It'''re Paulways Watching You! Paul Higgins, thir babysitter! *fangirls*

Them: uh...

Me: *snaps picture and runs* bye! *waves over my shoulder and disappears*

Liam: thank god she's gone...

Paul: wanna finish watching the football match? <aka soccer>

Liam: sure!

My voice mysteriously coming from nowhere: I'm not done here! I will be back, you mark my words! *imsert maniacal laugh here*

Them: *comfused*

Me: *stroking cat back at home* don't worry, fluffy! We will get them to do what we need them to! We will!

Ok, bye....uh...#needanickname! Ok, bai!

Silence {A Niall Horan Short Story} *Completed* SERIOUSLY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now