Chapter 7

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Angela is missing and it feels like it's my fault. I don't know why, but it feels like if I had left to go just an hour earlier to check on her, this all would be solved. The most beautiful girl in the world would be with me, not missing... I'm just so damn distressed! But...why am I just sitting here? I need to look for her! And, considering the time era we're in when people had no originality, I'm going to look at the train tracks. I go to round up the boys and their birds. (A/N if you don't know what that is, I'll try and put the video on the side:) As soon as all of the boys are here, I wring my hands. I motion for them to come outside because I just got an idea. They do so willingly, but still a but wary. I must've looked like a madman. I stoop down in the wet dirt. It's not thick enough to be called mud. I write "train tracks". Liam smacks his head as if it say "duh! Why didn't I think of that?!". I assemble all the girls and usher the lads away. Why? Because I have a plan to get her out of there.


I was tied up, gagged, and blindfolded. I have no idea where I'm going. All I know is that I'm in a carriage. After about ten minutes of struggling, I feel the rattling. I didn't know what it was of, but it was just..there. And strong, too. I have a hunch as to what it is... I think that it's a train. These people had no originality. 

The carriage comes to a stop. I am lifted out of it not-so-gently. My blindfold is ripped off, blinding me momentarily. As soon as my eyes adjust, I see a train hurdling towards us, 'us' being Toni and I, confirming my suspicions. As soon as it passes, Toni advances, towards the track. Even if I now that Niall will come and save me, I am still fearful for my life. 

He lays me down on the tracks, the rails pressing into my back uncomfortably. I struggle against the restarints, but to no avail. And you want to know what Toni did? He set up a table and chair and drank lemonade. No joke. He just sat there sipping his lemonade and watching me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Classic Toni. All of a sudden, I felt rattling going through my body. I look up to see the lemonade shaking as well. I know exactly what this means...

A train hurtles around the corner about a quarter mile away, black smoke puffing out of it's chimney-like thing. My struggling is now more dire than ever. I feel rope burns rubbing on my skin. Nobody ever mentions this aspect in the movies... Mt arms and legs burn tremendously, but I keep up the struggle. The train comes nearer and nearer. I scream silently, tears starting to stream down my face. this is going to be a terrible way to go; trapped in a silent movie that isn't even in my century, ot able to tell Niall how I feel about him...

As I am struggling, I see six figures running towards me, but the train is advancing quicker. I finally give up and wait for the pain and darkness to come.


 The girls and I are running fast and hard, but We are not catching up and the train is going extremly fast. Just as I am about to give up, I feel a rush of adrenaline corse through my veins. My legs are suddenly pumping faster and harder. The same seems to be happening to the girls. We are so close to her and that villan Whatshisface. 

I am now right near him and I pounce, tackling him to the ground. The girls rush to Angela, pulling her away from the tracks just as the train hurtles past. I can practically hear her strong heartbeat from here. 

I pull the man up and punch his jaw. He is a good bit taller than me, but I dont care. If you mess with the love of my life, then you mess with me, too. I kick him in and he stumbles backwards, bumping into the table that he had set up. The lemonade spills all over the place. Wait, lemonade? I shake it off and keep beating this guy up. 

Izabel, Kendall, Sierra, and Lindsay are running far from here with Angela, per my instructions. Angela keeps looking back at me, her gorgeous face flooded with concern and, wait, is that...worry? I think it is, but I don't have time to linger. I kick the guy again and he falls back. Man, this guy is weak. He stumbles into the table again, crumbling it. I can feel my instincts kicking in. I advance and put him in a headlock. He tries to get out, but he doesn't succeed. Having and older brother kind of gives you some pretty good strength. I knock him unconcious and he falls to the ground. 

I give him one more good kick and start back to the house. 

Toni (oooooohhhh, new POV? haha)

As soon as I regain conciousness, I struggle up. You may be wondering why I captured Angel. My motives were perfectly acceptable. If I can't have her, nobody can. I think that I love her, but clearly that kid does, too. I won't stop until Either I have her, or nobody does. It's one or the other, Blondie. I know that she loves me, too. I can just feel it. But she's too afraid to admit it to herself. I will make her see it. If it's the last thing that I do. 


I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE, DOLLS! I HAVE BEEN SO DARN BUSY LATELY, I JUST.... please don't hate me.... I tried to make this chapter extra long to make it up to you. Also, It's also for Friday (aka tomorrow). I'll be pretty busy, so I killed two birds with one stone. Ok! Enough rant! Today's QOTD is a must-answer (if possible)!!!!!!!!

My sister says you aren't my fans. Are you? A simple yes or no will suffice.


Me: Ok, I cna't wait for July, can you, life-sized Liam standee? 

Standee: . . .

Me: I knew you could't wait, either! Unfortunately, real Liam is in the hospital. Apparently, me popping up in his bed gave him a severe panic attack or something. So you, Liam Bodypillow, Liam Posters, Mini Liam Standees, and Lam's twitcams from the hospital will just have to do. I love Lima Bean! 

Standee: . . . 

Computer: *dings, signaling a twitcam*

Me: yay! A twitcam!

Liam on twitcam: Hey, guys! I have an important message for you guys....

Me: oooooh! A message...*stalker face on*

Liam on twitcam: Recently, there has been a girl who has been following me around. She hasn't told me her name, but her friend's name is Ella. That's all that I know. 


Liam on twitcam: I am actually quite afraid. I am seeing many responses asking if I'm in the hospital, and yes, I am. She popped up when I was sleeping and gave me a severe panic attack and my kidney temporarily gave way...

Me: *screams at the laptop* I'M SORRY LIMA BEAN!

Liam: If your'e watching this, stalker girl, I am asking you nicely to stop. I'm serious.

Me: *typing a frantic response* Lima Bean, im so sry! and btdubs, the names sierra.

Liam on twitcam: Oh, here's a response from...her. The handle is @leeumsstalkergrl (not real. I don't have a twitter....) She says...'lima bean *cringes* im so sry! and btdubs the names sierra.' Well, Sierra, I am begging you to stop. I really don't want my kidney to fail again. I very recently got this one to work again...Please!

Me: *screaming at the laptop* NEVER! YOU ARE MY LIMA BEAN! 

Liam on twitcam: ok, well, I need to get some sleep. NIght, everyone! 

Ok, Bye, my wonderful dolls!


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