Chapter 3

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Niall's POV

I woke up in a different universe this morning. Ok, maybe that was an overreaction. But it was a different time. A different color. But the craziest thing is; I can't speak. I pinch myself to make surely that this isn't a dream. I would've yelped, but no sound came out. This is deffietly real. Something tells me that Louis isn't behind this, either. I made sure that this wasn't some cruel prank by wiping at my skin, to see if it is paint, but no. This is real. Very, very real.

I take a look at my surroundings. They are styled like from back when the American cowboys were around. The, uh.... Wild West is what they called it! Anyway, whatever was going on is absolutely crazy. But for now, I'm going to see if mid-eighteen hundreds America had any good breakfast.

Liam's POV

I woke up this morning and everything was different. In every way. We had been taken back in time, but I'm pretty sure they had been able to talk back then and had color, but what do I know? Ok, a lot, but that's not the point. The point is, this is real. And if I can't talk, I can't sing. If I can sing, I have no career. What could I do?!

Zayn's POV

I know that everyone else's thoughts will be long, annoying, and boring, so I'll make this fast. Whatever happened last night happened. That's all there is to it. You just have to go with the flow and let what happens happen. I just hope this time era has good mirrors...

Louis' POV

I DIDN'T DO IT I SWEAR! I just woke up and it this! I had absolutely nothing to do with it! It just...happened! Ok, do you believe me? Good. I think I hear Niall downstairs. I'm hungry, too. So, um...yeah.

Harry's POV

I heard horses outside this morning. I wonder what kind of horses they were? I rode a horse when I was five. It was quite fun. (A/N sorry, I just has to add the randomness of Harry Styles... XD)

Angels's POV

I feel myself regain consciousness as I remember the strange events of last night. I squeeze my eyes tightly before I open them. Sure enough, everything is as it was before. Balck, white, and silent. Now, don't get me wrong, this is pretty cool. But I can't shake the feeling that I had something to do with this.

I decide to blend in as much as I can. There isn't much that I can do besides that. I go to my wardrobe and pull out an old-style dress. I have to admit: it's really cute! I can make this work! Is lip on a bonnet and pin mohair up. Unfortunately,there is no makeup in this century... But hey, my natural beauty will make up for it, right? I pull on a pair of heels (thank god they had those!) and step out my front door, completely unprepared for what might come.

I step onto a dirt pathway leading to a bigger dirt road. I walk down it, breathing in the fresh, not polluted air that we have so little of in my time. These people had better enjoy it while they can...

I continue walking until I come to a place with a sign at says "Saloon". Thank god I know what that is. As I'm about to enter through the swinging doors, however, a figure (definitely a man) is thrown out the door and he lands on his face in a water through, drenching everything around him, including me. I "scream" at how wet I am. Apparently, these people can hear, because many heads turn. One man comes up to me with a cloth. He hands it to me and his mouth moves. Of course, though, nothing comes out. Suddenly, I am encased in a cocoon of gray. I whip my head around, tying to make out details. But then I see letters. Backwards letters, like if you look at a stamp's rubber side. I am confused for a moment, but then I realize; this is the monologue that comes onto the screen when an actor speaks in a silent movie.

"here, miss. Take this to dry yourself" reads the script.

As soon as it came, the gray cocoon vanishes. As soon as it does, I nod at the man and thank him. I take the cloth and dab at my clothes.

After about five minutes, my clothes were still fairly wet. They hadn't dried much at all. Someone taps my shoulder, causing me to start. I turn around to face the person. As soon as I do, I drop the cloth along with my jaw. This isn't just some passerby. This certain person is light-haired (the coloring of almost-white gave it away. I've been getting better at distinguishing colors, too), the roots are dark, he's not too much taller than me, and his face had a teddy bear look to it, one that you would hate to see break down, or even just break. This is the one and only Niall James Horan.

Niall's POV

The boys and I were walking down the street, minding our own business, wondering what happened and why we were stuck here, when some water splashes us. Not too much, but enough to get our attention. We all looked over to where it had come from, and I saw a gorgeous girl, probably around eighteen, soaked from head to foot. Some moron had been tossed out of the bar, ahem, saloon, and he landed in a horse through, splashing everyone within a three yard radius. That included us and a few other people, but it got her the worst. Instantly, a crowd of men swarmed around her like flies to honey, thus blocking her from our sights.

After a minute or two, the men dissipated, revealing her. She was dabbing herself with a cloth, still very wet. We waited another few minutes before I decided to go and help her.

I tap her shoulder and she jolts, clearly startled. She turns around, revealing her gorgeous face. Her eyes widen and she drops the cloth that she was drying herself with. Her jaw drops, too. She clearly was taken I to this mysterious place as well. And she is a fan. Or, will be, um...I guess it just depends on how you look at it.

I crack a smile. She does, too. Her smile is sobeautiful, that it just makes you melt inside. I offer her my jacket, because she had started to shiver. I look back at the boys, who are exchanging smiles and nudging each other with their elbows. I roll my eyes at their foolishness.

We make our way on foot back to our house. My arm is around the girl, I still don't k know her name, and it turns out that she lives across from us, how happy! I just feel bad for the other boys because they haven't found their ladies yet.

She nudges my arm and points to the dirt at our feet. I get the memo and use my finger to write a message. "Hello, I'm Niall. Who are you?" She grins and bends down to write something, too. "Hello, Niall. I'm Angela" How fitting. She did look like an angel.

I smile at her and grasp her hand. Her eyes, though colorless, are beautiful. I could get lost in them, which I did. Today is shaping up to be the perfect day.


A/N Hello, peoples that are reading my book! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I definitely saw some black and white sparks flying, no? Heh! Well, anyways, I've decided on your nickname. You shall be my Dolls! Heh! Sorry if you don't like it...:/ if you don't, then suck it up, DOLL!

Oh, you need to read my friend snowballsierra's (she's the one the chapter is dedicated to) story "Flaws". I've only just started reading it, and I'm hooked! I love it so much! So, anyways! Question time!

Who is your favorite celebrity? 1D or non-1D, just any celebrity. (One Direction. Duh)

Stalker time!

Me: *sneaking up to the back door*

Liam: You! *gasps*

Me: me! Ha! Did you miss me, Lima Bean? *bats eyelashes flirtatiously*

Liam: No! And why are you batting you pr eyelashes flirtatiously at me? You're, like, 11!

Me: age is but a number and has no effect on true love! And for your information, I am 13! *crosses arms and humphs*

Liam: Whatever...just get out! *points to the exit*

Me: ok, Lima Bean! I just wanted to tell you that since I'm on summer vacation now, I'll have more time for you and Ella and I are planning a wedding! Yeeep! I'm so exited! *suddenly dissapears*

Liam: what...the...heck..was..that?!

Mysterious disembodied voice that is mine: see you soon, Lima Bean!

Ok, bye, Dolls!


Silence {A Niall Horan Short Story} *Completed* SERIOUSLY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now