Chapter 12

37 2 1

Angela's POV


This is a wedding.

My wedding.

^^^End of Recap^^^

I look around frantically, trying to find someone, something that can tell me what the heck is going on. But, nothing. No- WAIT A BOILING SECOND!

I see twenty or so bodies moving out of the shadows. Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry, all the girls. All with their hands tied behind their backs and guns pressed to their heads.

So this is Toni's plan. Capture all of us and FORCE me to marry him? Well played. I have to give him props for it because it is very clever. God, I hate him. I'm so very, very torn... I don't want to marry the Hispanic D head.... But I don't have much of a choice unless I want the love of my life and best friends to die... Like I said: Torn.

The People who I love's captors part and reveal an old-time tux-ified Toni. His wicked smile and evil glint in his eyes give me butterflies. Not the good kind. The bad kind. When you know some big, probably bad, thing is about to happen. That one.

Not long after I calculate him, I hear- no, not hear-... A sound reverberates in my skull, it seems. A familiar tune. One always asociated with wedding.

Mentally, without knowing, I start to sing the words my mother taught me as a kid.

Here comes the bride,

All dressed in white,

Stepped on a turtle,

and down went her gurdle.

Here comes the bride, here comes the bride.

Unintentionally, I let slip a small smile at the memory of when I first heard that. Wait. Where was I? Oh yeah. Wedding.

I feel a shove on my back andI stumble forward a few steps. I look up to see Niall's pain ridden face as our eyes meet. He doesn't want this. Nor do I. For a moment, I stand, perfectly still, meting his face that plainly reads "We'll die. Just don't do it" But I have to do it. This way, I both of us can live, no matter how unhappily. I just shake my head a bit and he looks at his feet, knowing the game is lost. Th ball is up, the goals are down. There is nothing to play anymore.

I take my first step, my mind urging me on, that this is the only choice, but my heart telling me to stop and that this doesn't have to happen. But I have always been one to trust my mind, my heart was just a second opinion.

I continue to step, slowly, ever so slowly. With every step, it is although a nail is being driven deeper and deeper into the sole of it. I actually wince. This is not good. Never a good sign. Something is about to happen, I just know it.

Withing fifteen steps, I am at the altar, across from the d-bag who goes by Toni. He forcably takes my hands and the preacher beside me startes to speak. And as he does, I am trapped in that gray world that has become familiar. Words swirl around me. I loose track. The cocoon dissapears and I see the preacher and my soon-to-be looking at me expactantly, and somewhat impatiently.

I close my eyes and open my mouth to speak.

Suddenly, I feel a cold breeze hit me, weight lifted from my body, and something that feels like metal in my hand. I open my eyes, only to be met with vivid, ever-so vivid color. More bright than night should be. I see dark green grass and bright white walls. Could it be? I'm home at last?

I take a step, feeling every inch of any surface that I can. I feel the bright panels of the exterior of my house, the brown, splinter-y porch swing, the gray-ish, cold chains. This is most definetly real. All of it. I am back in my time. I decide, as a final test, to check sound.

"GiGi?" Voice sounded like a bullfrog's, but it was my voice, nevertheless. My body went into auto drive and I started doing jumps. And cartwheels and backflips in my front lawn. I laugh, my voice becoming more like my own. I dance and sing (no matter how terrible it sounds) and all-out party until... Yes. Until. I refused to think of it before.

What about Niall? Does he remember?


YAAAAAAAY! She's back in her own time! But *gasp* does this mean the story will be ending soon? He answer I have to that is in two parts. No, it will not be ending super-soon. There will still be chapters and updates. Now, here's my second part. Based on the ending, should I make a sequel? See, I already know the ending and stuff, but it may or may not go with a sequel and just an epilogue. The choice is yours to help me with! Ok, enough rant. Here's the QOTD!

Do you think, based on the ending, that j should make a sequel?

Yeah, it's repetitive, but, eh. I will do my best to update soon. But until then...




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