Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

It's been hours since Angela ran out crying. She was clearly having horrible thoughts. But it's dark and after seeing that man, I don't think she would risk going out. Liam pats my back. He and the boys had just found their lasses. And I had just lost mine. Well, I think she was my lass. Is..? I don't know! I don't understand women! They're just so damn confusing! Why don't they come with manuals or something? It would really be helpful for someone who grew up with a brother, no sisters, and next to no felmale interractions. I know, I know, every girl is different, blah, blah, yadda, yadda. But there should be some universal manual or handbook (are they the same things...?) or SOMETHING!

I start pacing. She clearly knew that man. Maybe he cane from our generation, too. It would be a reasonable explanation. But the real question is: what does he plan on doing? I'm almost sick with worry. I don't know why, but I cared a lot for this girl. Maybe I'm just desperate, but this seems different. Like, if she gets hurt, then I will too. It's really quite strange. We only met today, but I feel so...attatched to her. Not in, like, a stalkerish way, but an emotional attatchment. I saw this research thing that said that if you yawn, and then another person near you yawns, then you have an emotional attatchment. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow, just to test that theory.

I look all of the boys in the eyes. We have spent almost thee years together and we can communicate through sight.

Liam; Itll be ok, man. (He doesn't use apostrophes. Ever. I mean, have you seen his Twitter feed?)

Zayn: Just take it as it comes. Only time will smooth out the wrinkles.

Harry: Be more flirty and next time she won't ditch you! (He communicated that one with a smile. He earned a glare for that one.)

Louis: Don't worry, little leprechan! She'll be 'round.

I nod t all of them apart from Harry, Who I ignore. Then I go to bed. I'm not hungry, so I go to bed without supper. I think that I'm the most astonished about that. I don't think that I'll ever be able to eat again. What is wrong with me?! I fall int bed, fully clothed,as the sleep onesies that they had were extremely strange. they had butt flaps. there is something very wrong with these people. I mean, butt flaps... I just... the reason for that is incomprehensable. I think about how today is so different than yesterday. Yesterday, I was yearning for a girl, now I'm worrying about her. And yesterday, we were in our own century. Now, not so much... I think about this for a while, and before I know it, I am drifting to sleep.


A/N Sorry for thew short chapter! It was mostly just for filling purposes. Next chapter there will be some superultrajawdropping awesomeness, so just wait until the next update! Yes, I am keeping you waiting until Friday! *insert evil laugh here* haha! I don't know how to spell an evil laugh like mine. It's a very strange one... Anyways! Time for... QOTD!

What is the strangest thing that 'The Infection' has brought to you? (I have stopped using spoons. That's the strangest thing, but WHO GIVES A CRAP!?)


Ella: Are you sure about this, Sierra?

Me: Of course I am!

Random Person from the Association: Yay! Lux will never see it coming!

Me: Yep! This gives us all oppurtunities to stalk our designated person. Now, I will go in first for my interview. Wait here!

*skip to the end of the interview*

Interviewer: You seem very qualified for this job. But there's just this one thing.

Me: *sings* there is thing!

Interviewer: *sighs* well, welcome to the team. We have never hired a minor before, so consider yourself lucky.

Me: Oh, I do! Thank you so much, Interviewer Person!

Interviewer: *sighs again* welsome to the Pepsi Center team. (that's the Denver concert hall) Your pay will be $40 an hour and your job is personal assistant to the celebrities. See you on July 24 for your first job as assistant to One Direction.

Me: thank you, miss! I'll see you then! *shakes her hand and skips out to the awating Association*

Me (again): I got the job! Now, Ella, Your turn!

Ella: *runs in for her interview*

Get out, get out, get outta my head, dolls! I'm soooo not listening to Up All Night; Yearbook Edition, nope, not at all! (<-------- sarcasm)

ok, bye!


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