Chapters 8 and 9

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The girls and I return to their house, all the boys waiting anxiously. As soon as I come through the door, though, I am tackled. Like, football tackled. I have eight people on top of me. Yes, the girls joined in to... I honestly can't breathe, but I have no way to tell them that, apart from smacking Liam, who is on top of me, and the only one that I can reach. I have a gigantic dogpile on me. How on earth could they all get on top of me???? But I seriously can't breathe. I use all of my might to roll, or, tip over. They all topple like a lost Jenga game. It is pretty funny, actually. I laugh in the silent way that I can only accomplish and then jump on top of them. Haha! Payback is a naughty word! I can practically hear their groaning. I'm not very tall, so I barely cover them. 

Just then, I see a certain light tuft of hair out of the corner of my eye. I slowly turn around, because somehow, I am phisically unable to do it quickly. Must be movie drama. We look into each other's eyes and run into the other's arms. He swings me around, and as if we are telepathic, we kiss each other at the same time. My lips mold with his perfectly. I feel the fireworks. I feel his heat radiating onto me. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my waist. Within a minute, it turns inot a makeout session. Apparently, we started a chain because all of the boys are now making out with their girlfiends. Liam with Izabell, Louis with Kendall, Harry with Sierra, and Zayn with Lindsay. I smile. They are just so cute. All of them. I smile up at Niall. He smiles back. His now-straight teeth practically gleaming in the light. And then it clicks. 

I gasp, making Niall look upon me with a mixture of concern and wonder. You may be wondering what "clicked". Well, the reason we got here. It was all in the mixture. All of it. It must have been the stomach acid. It muct have reacted to the benzol reactant and created a time lapse. (Lln I know nothing about science like this. I am seriously just making random stuff up.) And the beatle juice mixed with the camera film clearly placed us in a movie. 

If there was sound, then I would have been sqealing. I know for a fact that I started slapping my little leprechaun on the arm. He stared shying away. Hehe... oops. I instantly  stop and blush, looking down. But not long after I do so, his gentle finger lifts my chin. I look up at him, curiosity as to why exactly I was slapping him. I just smile and make him follow me. 


She slapped me. Angela slapped me. Why? Well, I am about to find out. She grabs my arm and pulls me outside to the "Planning Patch" as I have begun to call it. She starts writing something, then I crouch down next to her, eyeing her beautifully written words.

Angela: It was me.

Me: What was?

Angela: Why we're here. 

Me: What makes u think that? 

Angela: I'm a chemist. With me so far?

At that part, she blushes yet again.

Me: Yep

She takes eternity to write the next part.

Angela: I was expreimenting and there are some reactants that must have fused, creating a time lapse. Then  there are science-y things that very few people understand, but u know...

Me: What do we need to do to reverse it? 

Angela: Reverse it.

It sort of makes sense. To reverse what happened, all that you need to do is reverse what you did. 

Me: What will we need, when will we start, and what is your full name?

That last one is just a random fact that I don't know about her. 

Angela: *Rattles off ingredients that the author is too lazy to think of*, ASAP, Angela Marie Thompson

 Angela Marie Thompson... How pretty. Angela Marie Horan sounds good, too. Maybe we can name our kids after things that we both love. Like Nando and Bubly. Ok, I'm kidding. Maybe- 

My train of though is cut off by her waving her hand in front of my face. I blink a few times, my eyes focusing on her angelic (See what I did there?) face.

Me: Let's start.

Chapter 9


Niall and I ended up falling asleep after telling the boys and their girls. They seemed all for the plan. But we went to Niall's room, gaining a wink from Harry, a silent wolf whistle from Louis, and a reassuring pat on the back from Liam and Zayn. And that was all just for Niall. The girls just looked at me with knowing looks and intelligent smiles. We went into his room, but nothing happened. We just stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours, and maybe it was, but I ended up falling asleep in his arms. 


I wake up and try to move, but find myself unable. This is due to the fact that I am face-to-face with that adorable leprechaun that I love- hold the coal train! No relation to Hagrid. (A/N am I the only one who gets that?) I smile, feeling his warm breath flodding my cheeks and his strong arms wrapped pretectively around me. This moment is all too perfect. So I decide to not let it end just yet. I fall back asleep, very mcuh at peace with the universe.


OMC GUYS! I can't believe that I misses two updates! But I have a perfectly good excuse! So, I live in Colorado, right? That was rhetorical. There have been all those fire, but there is one in particular, the Black Forest fire, that is so big that it has been on national news. See, I am, or was, four miles from that fire. I had to evacuate on Wednesday. I skimped out on the Tuesday update because I was too lazy and now I wish that I hadn't. I just fell so terrible! Anyways, I was evacuated for a few days, including half of Friday, therefore rendering me unable to do the update then because I was still letting that fact sink in that my house is still standing. Same with yesterday. So I'm going to do double everything just for you guys! I willd do my best to do a Tuesday update, but if I don't please don't cyber kill me! 


Favorite Harry Potter charachter? (Ginny)

Favorite color? (Blue for now)

SALKER TI-I-I-IME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Back to the present* 

Me: *Puling Liam into the van. He is blindfolded, but not struggling*

Liam: Is that you, Sierra?

Me: Yep!

Liam: Oh, ok. *sits quietly*

Me: *shuts the door* (turns the light off. sorry, had to.) Now *faces Liam* Lima Bean... *suspense*

Liam: Yes? 

Me: *Rips off his blindfold and screams* kiss me you fool! *kisses him*

Liam: *kisses back* 

Me: *wakes up and cries*

Ok, I can't think of another idea, so comment and say what else I should do for these, because, frankly, I am running out of ideas... :/

KK! BYE, DOLLS! STAY SHINY! (I seriously don't know)


Silence {A Niall Horan Short Story} *Completed* SERIOUSLY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now