Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to All my supporters <3

Angela's POV

I woke up to a throbbing in my head and the feeling of heavy fabric weighing my body down. I grope around, feeling slick, possibly satin layers draped around my body with embroidery and tulle on the very bottom layer. WHAT? 

What is this? What's going on? I wonder, slowly peeling my eyes open. I see a dark room, much like a prison cell. It has barred wondows, but there are no furnishings, just cold, hard, ground. I reach up to my head, feeling more tulle. I follow it with my fingers and discover that it goes down to my waist. Once again, I say WHAT?

I finally pluck up the courage to look down at myself, only to reveal that I am wearing... wait for it... a wedding dress... 

HOW ON THIS MESSED UP EARTH DID I END UP IN A WEDDING DRESS? I look around frantically. I spot a door, but not only is it deadbolted, but it also has a padlock. There is absolutely no escaping, especially for a weakling like myself. I hoist my skirt up and start moving around frantically. But apparently, I didn't lift it enough, as I stepped on it and fell on my face. 

I don't have enough willpower to get up, so I just lay there and end up drifting off again. The last thought in my brain? Where's Niall?

*Approx. 1 hour later*

I have been sitting up for a bit now, resting in a corner and wondering what's been happening in my life. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the door fly open, revealing a buff man whom I have never seen before. WHAT THE FLAMINGO??? 

He approached me and his huge hand wrapped around my upper arm, wrenching me up vilolently. I feel like a ragdoll, being thrown around like I am. 

I am barely concious of what is happening when a bunch of what smelled like flowers was shoved into my hands.I regain the knowlege of what is going on. I AM holding a boquet of flowers, a collection of daisies and roses. Beautiful... But what is going on? I look up from the flowers and see white. Everywhere is white. White chairs, white carpets, white- 

No. NO NO NO NO! It can't be! I have connected the puzzle pieces. The dress, the flowers, the white. It's all there. My wedding. 


Hey, sorry if it was short. :^/ I just wanted to end it on a cliffhanger, but also wanted to state what was going on... so yeah. Her's the QOTD!

Who of you are Potterheads like em moi?





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