Not Alone

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Chapter 14
( 3 weeks later )
Rachels pov :
Its been 3 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and the only other two people that know is Finn and Kurt. Finn is obviously out the picture considering the fact that I hate him and Kurt is the only one who is really standing by my side. I thought about getting an abortion but I don't think I could ever do that I just don't have the strength. I decided that I'm going to give the baby up for adoption so I'm just going to take care of it and try not to love it . I have to give it the best option and sure maybe they won't know who I am but I need to take of myself and be successful. I'm not even sure if I want a kid. I mean I'm so young and for it to be just me and a baby is too much . Obviously Finn doesn't care so he doesn't really have a say. He's tried to talk to me but I just ignore him . After what he said to me about me cheating when he knows I would never do that hurt me a lot. I was in spanish class getting ready to leave when Mr.Shuester said, "Rachel, can you stay after?" He asked me. I nodded and the bell rang . "Whats up Mr.Shue?" I asked him. "Are you feeling alright you've been acting really weird, missing glee club , not talking to Finn , leaving class every 5 minutes . Are you ya know cutting again?" He asked me. "No , I haven't. Look I know you care about me but Finn and I aren't together anymore and I have been feeling really sick latley and I just have to go." I started to grab my stuff and then suddenly everything fell out of my hands including the sonogram picture . He picked it up , "It's not mine." I said lying. He gave me a look and then without a word I cracked and burst into tears . "I CAN'T DO THIS." I cried to him. "Hey you are not alone . You have me , kurt, the glee club , your parents. We're going to help you get through this." He told me. "I don't if I can do it without Finn." I told him. "Hey you are so strong sweetheart you can do this without him , I know you can , you just go to believe in yourself. " He told me. I nodded in agreement. He smiled at me and gave me a hug . "Everything is going to be okay I promise." He said.

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