Family Dinner

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Chapter 17
( 2 days later )
Finns pov :
Tonight is the night Rachel and I are telling our parents about her being pregnant. She hasn't starting showing yet but we decided we needed to tell them before she does . I'm really worried about what will happen I don't want Rachels parents to kick her out and I know she doesn't either. I was upstairs getting ready when my mom came in my room . "Hey Finn I have some laundry for you." She said. "Thanks mom ." I said. She opened my drawer and dropped the basket . "Finn ." She said. "Yeah?" I asked her. "Whats this?" She asked me holding up the sonogram picture. I looked at her and paused . "Is Rachel...." She stopped herself already knowing the answer. "Mom you should sit down." I said. "No , I need to go make dinner." She said. "Mom," I said. Suddenly she blew up , "How could you be so stupid Finn , do you realize what you've done . You are going to ruin your life." She said. "Mom its not like that. " I said. "I can't believe this." She said and left my room. Shit. I thought. 20 minutes later there was a knock on my door and it was Rachel and her parents . I opened the door and smiled , "Hi Mr.and Mr.Berry." I said. "Hi Finn. " They said and came in . I saw Rachel come in behind them and she smiled and said , "Hey you." I smiled and said , "We need to talk ." I told her. "About what? " She asked me. I took her hand and brought her outside. "My mom knows about the baby." I said. "What! Did you tell her?" She asked me. "No she found the sonogram picture in my drawer. " I told her. "Oh my god did she freak? " She asked me. "Yeah ." I said. "Oh my god I think I'm going to be sick ." She said. "Its okay we're going to tell them anyway." I said. "Finn I don't know if its a good idea I mean your mom basically freaked out on you image what she's going to say to me ." She said. "Look its going to be okay. We'll figure it out like we always do. " I said. "Okay lets just hope for the best ." She said. "It'll be okay I promise." I said and gave her a kiss and we walked back inside. We all sat at the dinner table eating vegan pasta . I could see Rachel was nervous so I took her hand and smiled at her and she nodded . "Mr.and Mr.Berry, mom , Burt, Rachel and I have something we would like to share with all of you." I said. "What is it?" Burt asked me . "Rachels preganant. " I said. They all looked at us shocked and then Rachels father said , "Your what!" He yelled at her . "Dads I'm preganant and Finns the father ." She told them. "Please tell me you're joking Rachel." Her dad said. "No we're not , I'm pregnant with Finns baby and we're keeping it." She said sternly. "Wait you're keeping it!" Burt said. "We are ?" I asked her. She smiled and said, "I was going to tell you after dinner, but you were right Finn , I can't give up my baby , I can't image anybody else raising our child other than us." She said. I smiled and then my mother stepped in , "Are you stupid or something? " She asked Rachel. "Mom!" I said. "I'm sorry Finn but you two can't handle a baby , you're only babies yourselves it was only a year ago Rachel tried to kill her self and now you're pregnant and wanting to keep it ! Are you insane?" She asked her . "Enough! " I yelled furiously at her . I stood up and said , "Mom I know you're upset with me but you shouldn't be taking it out on Rachel. She is the love of my life and the mother of my child and we may be young but we'll figure it out . Even if it means having to get 4 jobs just to support my family I will do it because from the moment I saw my little girl I knew that everything would work out . Now you have a choice you can either be supportive and be happy for us or I can pack up and leave and don't think I won't. " I said. "Fine its your choice I hope you enjoy your life ." She said and left the room . It was quiet and Burt looked at me and said , "Excuse me." And went after my mom . "Dads ?" Rachel said . They were silent and then Rachels dad stood up and said , "Hiram lets go." And they left . It was just Rachel and I now and I looked at her and saw the panicked look on her face as tears rolled down her cheek . I wiped her tears and said , "Everythings going to be okay ." I told her, "Everything is going to be okay." I repeated hugging her .

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