Relocation (Chapter 15)

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Damn, Jocelyne is taking this harder than I thought. I know she'll be okay though.

I walk into Paige's room to see how she's doing and if she's done with her omelette.

"Hey babe, how was the omelette?" I ask her.

"Good, but you know what would make it better?" She says.

"What?" I ask, curious to find out what would make such a perfect omelette taste better.

"This." She leans in and kisses me.

We kiss for what feels like a lifetime, but is actually 30 seconds.

"Better?" I ask her.

"Much better." She says.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Hey guys, got a minute?" It's Lilly, it sounds like she has something important to tell us.

"Yeah, come in!" I yell to the door.

She opens the door real quick but doesn't come in.

"I just wanted to tell you guys that there's gonna be a meeting now and that I need everyone out in the kitchen." She says.

"Okay, let's go." Paige says.

We all walk to the kitchen to see that Jocelyne, Sarah, and her kids are already in there.

"Good, we're all here. This is gonna be a short meeting. We're just figuring out some things like who the leader of the group should be and other things." Lilly says, pacing around as she talks.

"Alright, first things first, who should be leader?" Lilly asks the group.

"I think you should be the leader." I say to Lilly. "Anyone else agree?"

Everyone shakes their head except for Jacob.

"No, I don't think she should be the leader!" He yelled. "Mom, she was going to turn us away until Zoey and Paige let us in. Zoey should be leader!" He says.

"Look, I said I was sorry and I truly am. I never should have acted that way." Lilly said to him.

"Sorry doesn't get you much in this world anymore." Jacob mumbles.

"Well, Jacob, unless you suddenly can turn into 5 other people, Lilly is the new leader." I say to him.

He groans and stomps out of the room and goes upstairs.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, there's one more thing before we go. I feel like that we have forgotten something very important. But I can't put my finger on it. Zoey, any thoughts?"

"No. I mean, I feel the same way, but I forgot what it was!" I say.

Suddenly, there are loud groans outside of the building. We look up to see a massive hoard of zombies.

"That's what it was! The walkers from the store!" Jocelyne says, completely dumbfounded.

"Jocelyne, you said they would take about two days to get here, not three!" I yell at her.

"Hey, I went to college to be a chef, not a mathematician!" She yells back.

"Guys, we need to get down there and hold them off, now! Sarah, do Jacob and Emileo know how to shoot a gun?" Paige asks.

"Yes, they both do. It was the first thing I taught them when this all started." She says.

"Well get Jacob from upstairs and meet us at the entrance. And take these." Paige says, handing her two pistols and handing one to Emileo.

"We'll meet you down there!" Sarah says, running up to get Jacob.

"Let's move!" Lilly says.

Swiftly, we rushed down the stairs and reached the entrance. Zombies were busting down the boards, trying to get through. We all readied our pistols.

Just then, the boards snapped off one by one, zombies slowly crawled through. We were shooting them and they were dropping like flies. Emileo missed a few of his shots, but then he got the hang of it. We were too slow, and the zombies had completely busted out the windows and overwhelmed the first floor.

We immediately rushed to the second floor and stood our ground there.

Sarah and Jacob finally joined us and after Sarah dropped a bag of ammo, she and Jacob readied their pistols with us and we waited.

The groans got louder until we saw the first zombie step up the stairs. I took it out immediately.

4 more showed up and we quickly dealt with those as well. But even more were climbing up the stairs and we were starting to get pushed back again.

"Ah, to hell with this!" I say, frustrated.

I run to my bag and pull out the knives I had in there from my house and gave 1 to everyone. I walked up to a zombie, shot it in the head, and immediately stabbed another one right between the eyes.

"Zoey, that's too dangerous!" Lilly hollers at me.

Then the building shook and I got knocked over, right into a group of zombies.

"ZOEY!" Paige yells. She runs up to try and help me, as everyone else does the same except for Emileo, who provides cover.

They all stab a zombie near me and I shoot two more, allowing for an opening and I manage to escape. I run to where Emileo is and stand next to him, shooting zombies as everyone else rejoins us.

The building shakes again and the sounds of groans die down until there are only ones coming from the group of them that are on the stairs. We walk towards the stairs and empty our clips into the zombies until they are all dead.

We go downstairs and see that the room is completely destroyed. Those must have been explosions from grenades we felt. We have to relocate, our barricade is gone.

"Guys, we have to relocate. Those explosions were really loud and they could have drawn walkers or bandits to our location. Gather everything you can and let's go!" Lilly says to the group.

A few minutes later, we are all near the entrance again and have our bags completely stuffed. We were actually able to fit everything on them, so there is nothing left behind.

"So where are we going to go?" I ask everyone.

"Fencers seems like a really good place to go. It's big and can be easily barricaded. It's perfect." Lilly says.

"Yeah, if you wanna get us killed." Jocelyne says. "Fencers is a store that has everything, including food, water, and weapons. Places like that are bandit hotspots. It's too dangerous. There's another tall building near here that is just like this one. I say we head there." She finishes.

"I agree with Lilly." Paige says and walks over to her.

"I agree with Jocelyne." Sarah says.

"And I agree with my mommy." Emileo says, and they both walk over to Jocelyne.

"Lilly has the better idea." Jacob says, and walks over to her and Paige.

"Well, it's 3 and 3. You're the deciding vote, Zoey." Lilly says to me.

Again? God Damnit, I hate being in these situations!

"Um, I choose.... Fencers. It has a lot of supplies and can be easily barricaded. I'm sorry guys." I say, taking my place with Lilly, Paige, and Jacob.

Then we start walking towards Fencers, where our next base will be.

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