A Change of Clothes (Chapter 20)

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We rode until the motorcycle ran out of gas, which got us pretty far.

"Paige?" Dante called my name.


"What are you trying to do now? I mean, you didn't have to save me. You could have left me to those men, but you didn't." He said.

"You're right. I could have easily left you with those men, but I didn't because you needed help. I was originally headed to Florida to find a boat stable enough to get me to Cuba. But after saving you, I want to save as many kids who need my help first." I said, smiling at him.

"You truly are the kindest person I've ever met. My dads would have liked you." He said, trying not to cry.

"Yeah. My girlfriend would have liked you, as well. She would have loved your hair." I said to him, thinking about Zoey and her smile.

"What was her name, if you don't mind me asking?" Dante asked, curious.

"Zoey. Her name was Zoey. What were your dad's names?" I asked him.

"Jason and Aaron." He said, looking up at the ceiling.

"Are you ready to go, Dante?" I asked him. It was just after Dawn, and the road was finally illuminated enough to where we can walk and see if there is anything dangerous.

"Yeah, let's go." He says and gets up.

"First house we find, we loot it and see if there are any spare clothes in your size." I say to him.

"Okay, but I'm fine wearing this if I have to." He says, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

I knew he was lying. After what he's been through, I'd burn those clothes first chance I get.

I open the door and we start walking along the road. After a few hours, we finally come across a house.

"Dante, before we go in, do you know how to shoot?" I ask him.

"Yes, but I prefer melee weapons. I've had some bad experiences with guns." He says.

"Melee weapons. Gotcha." I say walking up to the door.

I pull out my pistols and kick the door open. I walk all throughout the house to make sure it was clear, which it was.

"Dante, it's all clear. I'm gonna look for food, see if you can find any clothes your size." I say to him.

"Alright!" He says, and runs into one of the bedrooms.

"I look through he kitchen and find tons of food, and a rolling suitcase. I put the food in the suitcase. I also find some lighter fluid and some matches.

"Zoey, I'm done!" He yells from the room, sounding happy with whatever he's found.

Dante walks out in purple short shorts that cover only half of his thighs, and a pink crop top, noticeably longer than the last one, but short enough to show his abs.

"Well?" He asks, smiling.

"I love it!" I say, seeing that Dante has an incredibly good fashion sense.

"The other clothes are like these, but different colors." He says, blushing.

"Hey, now that you mention it, I'm gonna change real quick. Look around for a minute." I tell him.

"Okay!" He said, searching around.

A few minutes later, I was in a black shirt and leggings.

"Uh, Paige? You need to see this!" He said, sounding shocked.

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