Jocelyne's Story (Chapter 14)

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I wake up to the smell of something wonderful. I go to the kitchen to see who's cooking and what they are cooking. It's Sarah, and she's making omelettes.

"That smells delicious, Sarah!" I say, licking my lips.

"Omelettes always smell good, I made them for my boys all of the time before the apocalypse started. I miss those days." She said.

"We all do. What matters though, is that we're all alive." I say.

"We just have to wait until the military comes through and solves everything." She said, looking hopeful.

"Sarah, you really think the military is going to fix this? The military abandoned us! Left us for dead! Otherwise your sons wouldn't have been starving with you!" I say, trying to talk some sense into her.

"I have to believe! Everything has to go back to normal! It has to! And someone has to do something about it!" She said, looking angry, but starting to realize the truth.

"Sarah, the only ones who can fix this are us. We don't know if this has spread anywhere else, of if it's only in North America! And I don't think foreign countries are going to risk lives to save us. That is, if those countries aren't infected as well." I say, thinking more about the situation we are in.

"Well whatever happens, happens. Breakfast is done, by the way. Can you take Emileo and Jacob their breakfast?" She asks me.

"Sure. No problem." I say to her, taking the plates to Jacob and Emileo's room.

"Hey guys, your mom made breakfast, dig in!" I say to the boys.

"Yay!" They both cheer in excitement.

I walk back into the kitchen and see who's next.

"These are for Lilly and Paige." She said, handing me the plates.

I walk into Lilly's room and hand her her plate.

"Thanks, Zoey." She says.

"No problem, Lilly" I say, smiling.

I walk to mine and Paige's room and hand her her omelette.

"Thanks, babe." She says and kisses my cheek.

"You're welcome, honey." I say, kissing her forehead.

I walk back into the kitchen and see the last three plates.

"This one is mine, those other two are for you and Jocelyne. Thanks for helping." Sarah said, smiling at me.

"Again, it's not a problem." I say to her, grabbing the last two plates.

I eat my omelette on the way to Jocelyne's room.

What can I say? Getting beat up make you hungry.

I walk into Jocelyne's room and set her plate on her bed.

"Hey Jocelyne, I brought you breakfast."

"Is it bad that I miss him?" Jocelyne asked, staring at the wall.

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"Is it bad that I miss John? I mean, he will always be terrible for what he did, but he was my beat friend, Zoey. I don't want to miss him, but he was there for me when I was at my lowest. When I felt like I was nothing. He was my shade from the sun, and now that he's gone, I'm burning up." She said, choking back sobs.

"Jocelyne, did you ever love him?" I ask her.

"No. He was my best friend. I never thought of him as a lover. He was always there for me." She said.

"We met when he was 15 and I was 25. Me and my husband were driving down the road returning from the grocery store. We were at a stoplight. As soon as it turned green, we went, but so did another car that was speeding and running a red light. It hit our side, which caused another car behind us to hit our rear. My airbag deployed too late and my husband wasn't wearing his seatbelt. It was stuck. He crashed through the windshield and hit a tree 30 feet away. My stomach hit the steering wheel because of the airbag not deploying fast enough." She starts crying.

"I was eight months pregnant." She sobbed, tears coming out of her eyes in big drops.

I reach out and grab her shoulder, trying to relax her.

"John was the one who called 911. He was walking home from a friends house when he saw the crash. Minutes later the ambulance arrived. My husband was pronounced D.O.A. and once they saw I was pregnant and had cuts on my head, they rushed me to the hospital. John was allowed to ride with me to the hospital. Once we got there, I blacked out. I woke up to see John sitting in one of the chairs. I put my hands on my stomach to see if my baby was alright. I put my hands on my stomach only to feel that it was gone. What John said still haunts me to this day. 'They couldn't save her. They tried.'. I started screaming and crying, realizing that my husband and baby were gone. She was going to be a girl, Zoey. A beautiful baby girl. Her name would've been Megan." She comes back a sob. "After a week in the hospital, John came to see me. He told me what happened before the crash and when it occurred. I thanked him for calling 911. He gave me his number and told me that if I ever needed anything that I should call him. And that's how we met. We talked everyday once I moved on, which took a while. Then we went to the same college and that's it." She finished, still crying.

"Jocelyne, I'm so sorry you went through that. I know I can't replace John, but just know that if you ever need to take to anyone, you can always talk to me." I said, squeezing her shoulder.

"Thanks Zoey, it means a lot." She said.

Then I left the room to let her be.

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