Lilly's Enemy (Chapter 16)

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Oh god, so much has happened. It's awful. I feel like everything is my fault, even though I know it isn't. I could never have predicted what has happened. And yet, I feel like a slime-ball. A traitor. A fool. A dumbass. I never should have left to rescue survivors.

And I certainly should have never went into that building.

Maybe then, those who died would have been alive.


Fencers was a good idea. It had all of the supplies that we needed. Food, water, ammo, beds, etc. It was perfect. Until I got the idea of going out to rescue people.

"Are you sure you wanna do this Zoey?" Lilly asked me.

"I'm positive. There are people out there who need help and we can help them." I said back.

"At least have someone go with you!" Paige said, worriedly.

"Paige, I'll be fine." I reassured her, giving her a kiss to top it off.

"You better be." She mumbled as she crossed her arms.

"Be careful Zoey!" Sarah and her kids shouted at me.

"I will!" I shouted back.

I left for the back entrance so I wouldn't be spotted by anyone at the main entrance. There's something about the back entrance that I like more, anyway. Maybe because it's different than taking the main entrance. I take a left down onto the road that leads to our previous base. Maybe people are in that building Jocelyne mentioned.

I went over to the building and opened the door. It was pitch black in the room. Luckily, I had a flashlight. I flicked it on and was immediately greeted with several dead bodies. All of which still had irises, which means they weren't walkers when they were shot. And these people were only shot a few days ago.

I walked up the stairs to the second floor to see what other damage had been done. And I was greeted with more dead bodies. Men, women, and children all lay dead, same as the others. All of these thoughts started rushing into my head at once. What if this had been me and my group?

Step, step, step, step.

I unfortunately didn't turn around fast enough as I felt a hand hit the back of my neck and knock me out cold.

I awoke back in Fencers and felt that I was tied up. And it was dark. Darker than that building.

I groaned and Paige was the first one to speak.

"I'm so glad you're awake!" She claimed.

"Can someone tell me what happened and why it's darker than my soul in here?" I said.

"Now's not the time for jokes, Zoey. We have a massive problem." Lilly said.

"What is it?" I asked her.

Then the lights came on.

"Ah, you're awake, finally." The man who was next to the light-switch said.

"Who are you?" I ask him, sounding tough.

"Ask her, she knows who I am." He said, pointing to Lilly.

We all looked at her.

"H-he's a man from my old group. Kenny."

"That's right. And do you know why I'm here?" He asked her.

"Shut the fuck up Kenny. You killed my father. Lee said that he saw him breathe before you smashed his head in with a fucking box." She said, furious.

"Now now, Lilly. We aren't focused on me, we're focused on what you did." He said.

Lilly's entire mood changed quickly.

This is bad. I need to find something sharp to cut this rope with. I reached behind me and felt my machete handle. I began cutting off the rope as fast as I could.

"You see, people, Lilly killed a person in our own group named Carley." Kenny said.

"Carley cost us the Motor Inn. She was slipping a group of bandits supplies." Lilly said.

'Except, it wasn't Carley. It was that piece of shit Ben. He got Duck bitten and Katjaa killed herself." He said, holding back tears.

Lilly's expression changed to pure shock and sadness.

"And now I'm gonna make you suffer." Kenny said, as he grabbed Jacob by the hair.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY CHILDREN!" Sarah screamed at Kenny.

She charged at Kenny but he hit her with the back of his pistol and she fell to the floor. She lied there, crying.

Kenny held up his gun to the back of Jacob's head.

"M-Mommy..." Jacob said in tears.

"I love you-"

There was a loud bang and Jacob collapsed to the floor.

"NO!" Paige yelled.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled.

"BIG BROTHER!" Emileo screamed and cried.

"JACOB!" Lilly yelled.

"FUCK!" Jocelyne yelled.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Sarah yelled and sobbed.

"YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" Jocelyne yelled.

"We're all monsters, now." He said, nonchalantly, and grabbed Emileo by his arm.

"NO!" Sarah yelled and charged at Kenny. 

Fuck, cut faster!

She successfully tackled Kenny and kicked him a few times. He grabbed her ankle and pulled. She fell on her back and he hit her in the face.

He then grabbed Emileo again and another bang was heard as he collapsed on the floor next to Jacob.

"EMILEO!" Jocelyne, Paige, Lilly, and I yelled.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MY BABIES! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! DIE!" Sarah charged at Kenny again, crying heavily.

"Not this time." He said, aiming the gun at Sarah's head and pulling the trigger. The bang was heard and Sarah collapsed on the floor in-between her two sons.

"FUCK YOU, KENNY!" Lilly said.

I was finally able to cut the last of the rope and get free, but I needed to wait.

"Go ahead, keep talking. It won't help." He said, grabbing Jocelyne.

"THAT ISN'T HAPPENING, FUCKER!" I yelled and cut off the arm that had the gun, and grabbed him by his other arm, flipping him to the ground. I put his other arm behind him so he couldn't move. 

"YOU FUCKERS!" Kenny yelled at us.

"Shut the fuck up Kenny." Lilly said, walking up behind him with her green revolver and shooting him in the head.

"That's for Sarah, Jacob, and Emileo." I said.


We put a stop to Kenny, but we lost Sarah, Jacob, and Emileo. I know it isn't my fault that they're dead, but it feels like it is. We have to keep on living. For them. We will keep on living.

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