Paige (Chapter 19)

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It's been a year since Zoey and Lilly were bitten. And I still miss them.

I've been with two other groups, but I never got attached to anyone, because I knew they would all die. And they did. It's better to be alone, anyways. I can't afford to get attached to people again. My heart belongs to Zoey.

I got scratched and bitten 3 months ago. Apparently, I'm immune. How lucky is it that I'M the one who can't get infected. I wonder if Zoey was immune, too. Probably not. I have to keep telling myself that. I have to believe that she wasn't immune. That she didn't kill herself for nothing. 

I hear engines running. It kind of sounds like motorcycles.

I hide in the nearby bushes and keep out of sight. Eventually, motorcycles stop at a spot a little farther away than where I am, but I can still hear them. 3 men grab a boy who looks no more than 14 off of the motorcycle. He looks to be about 5'5", and has blue hair. He is wearing a white t-shirt that looks cut up, so it basically looks like a crop top, but shorter, and jeans that were cut up into short shorts. He looks pale, like he hasn't seen the sun in weeks. He falls and one of the men slaps him and tells him to get up. He looks so tired. He gets up, barely able to stand.

"Hey Paul," one of the men says. "Why did we take the boy? Why didn't we just take all of their supplies and kill them?"

"Because you dunce, he's going to grow up into a cute little thing. And we didn't take him, his parents gave him to us." Paul said.

"LIAR! YOU KILLED MY DADS YOU PIECES OF SHIT!" The boy screamed at them. Paul hit him.

That pissed me off.

"Shut up you little shit! You'll draw walkers!" He spat at him.

"Aww, look at the way he's tearing up! It's adorable!" The 3rd man said.

"Aww, look at the way 3 old men kidnap a boy, kill his parents, and are now hitting him!" I said from the bushes, mocking the guys voice.

They quickly went on alert. They all started watching the trees, looking for me. Luckily, the bushes opposite from me started moving, and they wasted some of their ammo there, scaring off a bunny.

"COME OUT AND FACE US!" Paul said.

Hmm, how do I want to do this? Quietly, or Quickly. I'll do quietly, it's more entertaining that way.

I loaded my bow with an arrow and aimed at the dunce. I let go and the arrow hit him straight in the back of the neck, causing a slow, painful death.

"What the fuck! Louis is dead! I'll fucking kill you, you bitch!" Paul shouted at me. "Jerry, grab the boy!" He shouted at the other man who obviously had to be Jerry.

Before Jerry could reach him, I shot another Arrow and it went through both of his ears. He collapsed over immediately.

Paul ran over to the boy and grabbed him and put his gun to his head.


"Okay, I'm coming out!" I yell at him. I walk out from the bushes and keep the bow aimed at him.

"LOWER YOUR WEAPON!" He screams at me again, pushing the gun to where it's touching the boy's head.

I lower the bow and set it on the ground. He doesn't know about the 2 pistols I have on me.

"NOW GO AWAY!" He yells at me again.

"Not until you let the boy go." I say on impulse.

"NOT happening!" He said.

This guy is pissing me off.

The boy ducks down and crosses through Paul's legs. I take this as the time to reach for my purple and pink revolvers and aim them at the guy. I look at him and then shoot him until I empty the clip in both guns.

He plops over dead, hitting his head on his motorcycle, knocking it over.

I walk up to the boy and give him some energy bars and a bottle of water.

"Thank you so much!" He says, hugging me. I hug him back, feeling his back on my arms from the really cut up t-shirt.

"Did they do this to you?" I ask sounding concerned.

He gives a sad expression on his face and nods.

"Did they... 'assault' you?" I ask him.

He looks like he's about to cry. He nods again.

"Well it's okay. You're safe now. My name's Paige." I tell him.

"M-My name's D-Dante..." He says, blinking back tears.

"Come on Dante, let's go." I tell him, taking his hand, getting a closer look at him. Only one thing stood out. His eyes.

They were purple. Just like mine.

I steal one of the motorcycles and get Dante on. We ride off into the next building and sleep there for the night.

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