Please ( not proofread yet )

28 3 5

Please leave my mind
and burdened soul
just like you left
me long ago

Please leave me be
I need some rest
stop haunting me
I'm such a mess

Please let me breathe
you toxic waste
I cannot bear
to see your face

Please let me run
away from you
far far Away
what can you do

Please stop spinning
around in my head
I'm getting dizzy
and cannot ask for help

Please set me free
of this cage of ribs
caging my wild heart
like you once caged my lips

Please stop whispering
into my ear
I cannot run away
Nor bear to hear

Please get out of my head
Your voice is stuck
I wish I were dead
didn't work , tough luck

Please leave me be
please go away
it's way too late
I no longer want you to stay

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