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How can you look me in the eyes,

But still tell me lies?

How can you promise you'll stay,

And then run away?

How can someone look so kind,

Yet have such a twisted mind?

How can a devil,

Disguise as an angel?

I open my eyes right now and realize,

You lied to me , you really lied.

Never did you love me or care about me so,

You didn't even feel guilty, oh no.

I fell for you deeply,

But all you did was hurt me .

It was all nothing but a lie ,

I think of how stupid I am as I cry.

I fell and you didn't catch me,

I just got broken , as you can see.

My heart got shattered,

The broken pieces scattered.

That love for you I had,

All turned into pain , making me sad.

You broke me completely,

You killed my soul carelessly.

I should have known the truth,

I had so many clues .

Why did you do this to me ,

I thought as I tried to sleep.

But only Now I see,

I am the one who did this to me.

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