My Kingdom

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These lies and twisted thorns can't prick me
These traps and schemes can't trick me
These roads of empty ghosts won't lure me

Grab your sword and try to fight
Ignite me now and shield my sight
The truth I can see with my eyes closed shut
My mind might be a riot but you're a rut

Remove your mask and reveal your soul
Get off the stage , bow down , and go
I applaud your act , but it's I you can't fool
What a fraud , skill you lack, despite being cruel

Strike me , ignite me , here I stand
My heart is broken but it's still in my hand
My body is a temple , and for now the doors are closed
And my heart might be caged but even set free it's not yours

So see these lights ? They burn your eyes
See these walls , don't cross my lines
This is my kingdom and I am its only queen
I don't need you or the petty lies I've seen

Send me your warriors , but mark my words
I'll twist your stomachs and you shall learn
One step closer and you'll be gone
I told you to watch out, so don't be alarmed

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