' Did you sleep well last night?'

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It's 12 am and I cannot sleep
For you have entered the galaxy of my thoughts and made it your home
And now the only thing I can clearly see are your sharp green eyes piercing holes in my heart
Please have mercy , for your icy stare gave me frostbite.
It's 12:30 am and I cannot sleep
And the prowling night is blinding, and the only thing lit is the fire you set in my heart.
You see, anywhere your fingertips met my skin was set on fire.
And the burning sensation is the only thing keeping me warm.
It's 1 am and I am wide awake
And you've taken over all of my senses.
The smell of your cologne is intoxicating, and I cannot breathe.
Please have some sympathy, for I am barely breathing already.
It's 1;30 am and I refuse to sleep
For my tears are caressing my face the way your soft fingertips once did
It's 2 am , and the hot tears in my eyes and burning flames in my heart aren't the only things keeping me warm
The blade isn't half as sharp as your lingering stare, but it's the closest thing I've got .
The droplets of blood mixing with my tears make me feel nothingness , whereas you made me feel everything.
It's 2;30 am , and I cannot stop
I cannot get enough of this just like I could never get enough of you
And I'm sorry , for you've been replaced.
This is my new addiction
It's 3 am , and I refuse to sleep,
Because I don't want to dream of you .
My thoughts are in a jumble right now, but I can still assure you they're all orbiting around you.
It's 4 am , and even if I wanted to , I still cannot sleep
Usually lovers only steal hearts , but that just wasn't enough for you.
You sucked the life out of my soul and left me nothing but the growing ache in my heavy chest.
It's 4:30 am , and it's raining
And it reminded me of how you entered my life with raging storms and destroyed all that was in sight.
And here I lie , along with all the debris and casualties you've left behind.
Have you no mercy ?
It's 5 am , and I'm still not home
They say ' home is where the heart is' , but my home was in your arms, and I haven't been there in a while.
And right now I'm homesick
It's 5:30 am , and I didn't sleep a blink
But how could I blink , when all I could see eitherways were your piercing green eyes?
And with eyes this mesmerizing , would I really want to blink?
'I haven't slept at all since you left, and if I do , I don't expect to wake up'

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